
  • 网络nautical chart
  1. 中国人的航海地图证明了这个是真实的。

    Maps of the Chinese voyage show this to be factual .

  2. 为了重现这些银行家的日常生活以及他们的世界观,该展览包括了绘画以及一些商务日用品,从沉重的账本到航海地图应有尽有。

    To recreate the daily activities of these bankers as well as their world view , the exhibition includes paintings and mercantile paraphernalia , from weighty ledgers to nautical maps .

  3. 照江的说法,秘诀是:乔纳森别再把自己局限在一个有限的躯体之中,这个躯体有一对四十二英寸长的翅膀,它的活动可以在航海地图上标出来。

    The trick , according to Chiang , was for Jonathan to stop seeing himself as trapped inside a limited body that had a forty-two inch wingspan and performance that could be plotted on a chart .

  4. 这位老先生的存货包括精密计时表、晴雨表、望远镜、罗盘、航海图、地图、六分仪、象限仪,以及用于确定船舶航线、进行船舶计算、研究船舶所在地的各种仪器的样品。

    The stock-in-trade of this old gentleman comprised chronometers , barometers , telescopes , compasses , charts , maps , sextants , quadrants , and specimens of every kind of instrument used in the working of a ship 's course , or the keeping of a ship 's reckoning , or the prosecuting of a ship 's discoveries .

  5. 北冰洋航海线在世界地图上的表示及相关讨论

    On expression of Arctic ocean navigation route on world maps and relative problem