
  • 网络Specialization Economy;economies of specialization;economies specialization
  1. 当交易效率较高,且专业化经济大于制度的互补性经济时,制度创新出现。

    When the trade efficiency is good and specialization economy predominates complementary economy , system innovation occurs .

  2. 相反专业化经济下降损害银行效率。

    However , a fall in the economies of specialization negatively impacts banking efficiency .

  3. 基于资源禀赋理论的粤港专业化经济模型实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Specialization Economic Model of Yue-Kong Based on Resource Endowment Theory

  4. 分工和专业化经济是产业组织演进的历史逻辑。

    The division of labor and the specialized economy are Industrial organization evolution historical logic .

  5. 在组织演进上,专业化经济具有比规模经济更强的解释力。

    In the gradual evolution of organization , specialized economy has stronger explanation strength than the scaled one .

  6. 论文从交易收益和专业化经济两个角度论证了模块化网络可获得分工收益。针对特殊的网络分析了纳什均衡的性质;

    Through studying transaction income and specialized economic , the author suggest modular network organization can achieve the benefit of specialization .

  7. 由于资本异质性的客观存在,分工经济面临着专业化经济与交易费用之间的两难选择;

    Economies of the division of labor are in a dilemma between economies of specialization and transaction costs because of capital heterogeneity .

  8. 采取虚拟企业这种组织模式能够在社会范围内获得专业化经济与分工经济的好处。

    With adopting the model of virtual enterprise organizations will benefit from economies of specialization and economies of division of labor in social scale .

  9. 银监会的设立可通过专业化经济提高货币政策和微观规制效率。

    The establishment of the Supervise and Regulation Committee of Banking in China would improve the efficiency of the monetary policy and microeconomic finance regulation .

  10. 专业化经济与范围经济的权衡最终确定最优分工水平;从非排它性要素的配置说明了范围经济对分工的限制。

    We also conclude that the level of division of labor is determined by the Trade off between economies of specialization and economies of scope .

  11. 10月20日,中央电视台二套更改呼号为经济频道,从准综合频道向专业化经济频道转型;

    On October 20th , CCTV-2 changed orientation to " Economy Channel ", and turned its ' way from a part-integrated channel to a specialized economic channel .

  12. 国际贸易和国内贸易的原理是一样的,都是折中专业化经济与节省交易费用之间两难冲突的结果。

    The principle of international trade and home trade is the same ; both of them are the results of compromise between specializing economy and saving transaction cost .

  13. 斯密&杨格定理说明经济增长中的递增报酬并非来源于规模经济,而是来自于分工和专业化经济。

    Smith-Young Theorem indicates that the increasing return in the rise of economy does not originate from Economics of Scale , but from division of labor and specialized economy .

  14. 利用分工与专业化经济的思想,可以很好地解释区域经济系统的形成以及区域内的各种经济现象。

    The division of labor and specialization theory could be used to explain the phenomenon in regional economic development , such as the form of economic system and the evolution , and so on .

  15. 我国保险混业与分业得以共生原因在于,市场能够依据对交易成本或交易效率的度量结果,对专业化经济和多元化经济难以兼得的两难冲突进行了折衷。

    The reason of why the specialized insurance and cross-insurance can be coexisted is that the market compromises the dilemma of specialized and diversified economy according to the estimation of transaction cost and transaction efficiency .

  16. 从分工角度,产业链是分工促进生产率提高的一种实现形式,通过专业化经济的分工以及产业链上的组织经济法则,获得生产率的动态变化和成本结构的变化。

    From the angle of division , industrial chain is a form of improving productivity by division . To get dynamic change of productivity and cost structure through specialized economy and the Law of Economy in Organization .

  17. 我们对中间产品的内涵以及中间产品的专业化经济和互补经济、中间产品的交易范围等维度进行了深入讨论,为我们论证中间产品与契约安排的关系奠定了基础。

    Then we discuss deeply connotation , dimensions such as economies of complementarity , economies of specialization , transaction scope and so on , which provides the basis of our arguing the relationship between intermediate goods and contractual arrangements .

  18. 产业空间集聚所获取的集聚经济利益,是决定地区产业定位的重要因素。地区间产业的竞争与合作所获取的专业化经济利益,是决定地区产业协调发展的重要因素。

    Agglomerative economic benefits captured by spatial agglomeration of industries are the important factors deciding industrial orientation of regions , specialization economic benefits captured by competition and cooperation of industries inter-regions are the important factors deciding coordination development of regions .

  19. 分工与专业化是经济增长的源泉。

    Division and specialization are the source of economic growth .

  20. 结构调整对分工和专业化的经济增长效应具有放大作用。

    Structure adjustment has an greater effect on the economic growth of regional division .

  21. 在实际中,即使完全的专业化在经济上有利,也可能永远不会发生。

    In reality , complete specialization may never take place even though it is economically advantageous .

  22. 对分工与专业化的经济性进行了描述与定义;

    In this paper , economies of specialization ( or division of labor ) are defined and described .

  23. 分工专业化对经济的增长主要是通过熟能生巧和知识积累起作用的。

    By the means of accumulation of knowledge , learning by doing , labor division and specialization can do their functions for the growth of economy .

  24. 具有显著节省辊面、减小设备重量、生产效率高、节材及降低成本等优点,是适合专业化、经济化大批量生产大型长轴类零件的有效工艺手段。

    It has many advantages , such as significantly saving roll surface , reducing equipment weight , high production efficiency , saving material and reducing costs . Therefore , this process is suitable for specialization and economization rolling long shaft parts .

  25. 专业化与城市经济增长&基于中国地级以上城市数据的实证分析

    Specialization and Economic Growth of Cities : Evidence from 281 Cities in China

  26. 专业化、规模经济和范围经济是企业或产业发展过程中不可逾越的阶段。

    Specialization , scale economy and scope economy are necessary stages in developing industry .

  27. 物探装备专业化管理在经济体制深化改革中应运而生。

    Specialized management of exploration equipment arise in the further reform of the economic structure .

  28. 专业化、规模经济、范围经济与政府行为&由江苏省政府制造555亿元大熊猫引发的思考

    Specialization , scale economy , scope economy and governments behavior & Some Thoughts on Jiangsu Province Government Making " the Big Panda " valued 555 Hundreds Million Yuan

  29. 因此,作为技术与组织经济的一个综合,专业化与分工经济应该正是理解这些变化更为恰当的视角。

    As a synthesis of economies of technology and organization , economies of specialization and division of labor are therefore a more appropriately visual angle of comprehending these changes .

  30. 虽然分工专业化促进了经济的增长,给人类带来很多利益,但也产生了一些问题,如交易费用、信息不对称、协调、分权等问题,这些问题将制约着分工专业化的进一步演进。

    Although the labor division and specialization do great advantage for economic growth , there is some negative effects of them such as transaction cost , information asymmetry , synergy problem and so on .