
dù liànɡ hénɡ dān wèi
  • units of measurement
  1. 本年鉴所使用的度量衡单位均采用国际统一标准计量单位。

    The units of measurement used in this book are internationally standard measurement units .

  2. 流域泥沙输移比与流域面积不存在固定的线性关系,其根本原因在于流域面积是度量衡单位,而不是影响因素。

    The sediment delivery ratio is not correlative with the river basin area , because which is not a influence factor but a units of measurement .

  3. 石,中国古代度量衡单位之一。

    " Dan " was a unit of weights and measures in ancient China .

  4. 在其他语系中,也有表达单位和数量的词,但一般只限于度量衡单位和某些具体问题。

    Another languages have expression unit and the number of words , but generally confined to the unit of measurement and specific problems .

  5. 量词共有161个,它们可分为六类:1.度量衡单位量词。

    161 classifier measure words can be classified into six sorts : ( 1 ) classifier measure word of capacity and weight unit .

  6. 投标人提供货物所使用的度量衡单位除技术规格中另有规定外,应统一用公制单位。

    Weights and measures units used by the tenderer for his goods should be metric unit unless specific regulations are made in the technical specification .

  7. 方药剂量一直以来都是反映方剂配伍规律的重要因素。影响古方剂量的不统一,主要原因是朝代的变迁,度量衡单位制度的发展变化所致。

    As an important factor that reflects the rules of formula compatibility , the dosage of ancient formula is mainly influenced by the vicissitudes of dynasties and development and changes of the metrological unit system .

  8. 清代河州度量衡制钱地亩计算单位及方法

    Weights and Measures , Copper Coin Striking and Farmland Measures and Calculating Ways in Hezhou in Qing Dynasty