
dù liàng héng
  • weights and measures;length, capacity and weight;length,capacity and weight
度量衡 [dù liàng héng]
  • [length,capacity and weight;weights and measures] 计量长短、容积、轻重的标准的统称。度计量长短,量计量容积,衡计量轻重

度量衡[dù liàng héng]
  1. 经济上,他统一了度量衡(weightsandmeasures)和货币。

    In economy , he standardized5 weights and measures as well as money .

  2. 我的类别有度量衡、街道、国家及其首都。

    I compiled weights and measures , streets , countries and their capitals .

  3. 我们将企业架构作为衡量SOA基础设施和SOA解决方案的度量衡。

    We use enterprise architecture as the measuring stick upon which the SOA infrastructure and SOA solution reside .

  4. 有传奇色彩的投资者约翰邓普顿爵士(SirJohnTempleton)喜欢指出,滥用度量衡是政府失去选民信任的一条捷径。

    The legendary investor Sir John Templeton liked to point out that abusing weights and measures was a pretty fast way for a government to lose the trust of an electorate .

  5. 为简化此问题,我们提出了一个简单而高效的热点消除方案,称为HUNT,利用单个节点的吞吐量作为度量衡来准确地判断热点,并维护它和其它邻居节点的关系以确保连通性。

    To simplify issues , this thesis propose a simple and effective hotspot mitigation scheme termed HUNT , which utilizes a single node throughput metrics to accurately detect hotspot and maintain awareness of its relationship with other neighboring nodes to ensure connectivity .

  6. 对出售商品度量衡的规定。

    The regulation of weights and measures of articles offered for sale .

  7. 股票配股权的价值估计市值管理统一度量衡

    Valuation of stock allotment right Market value management integrates weights and measures

  8. 做适度的运动如散步或轻阻力练习像度量衡。

    Do moderate exercise like walking or light re tstance exercises like weights .

  9. 我们在度量衡局工作,度量衡局是一个政府机构。

    The department of weights and measures , we are a government agency .

  10. 近代山东农村土地分配中的度量衡及币制问题

    The measurement and monetary systems in the land distribution of modern Shandong country

  11. 美国会转换度量衡为公制?

    America will ever switch to the metric system ?

  12. 在“数字”选项卡上的“度量衡系统”列表中,单击“公制”。

    On the numbers tab , in the measurement system list , click metric .

  13. 统一度量衡就是每个国家的核心事务。

    " Unified weights and measures " is the core business of each country .

  14. 石,中国古代度量衡单位之一。

    " Dan " was a unit of weights and measures in ancient China .

  15. 沃尔顿认为,其他公司的错误之处在于深陷“度量衡险境”。

    Other companies get it wrong by resorting to " measurementitis ," says Walden .

  16. 本年鉴所使用的度量衡单位均采用国际统一标准计量单位。

    The units of measurement used in this book are internationally standard measurement units .

  17. 该书刊有度量衡的表。

    The book gives a table of measure .

  18. 市值管理统一度量衡

    Market value management integrates weights and measures

  19. 什么样的房子,至少度量衡?

    What kind of house weights least ?

  20. 计量单位:美国、英国度量衡

    Units : Metric US Imperial UK Imperial

  21. 在此之前,在法国不同的地方使用不同的度量衡制。

    Before that France had different systems for measuring things in different parts of the country .

  22. 多年来,度量衡十进制委员会不断努力,加深了市民对十进制的认识。

    Over the years , the Metrication Committee has successfully promoted awareness of the metrication system .

  23. 表示时间、日期、天气、自然现象、环境、价格、度量衡等。

    Indicate time , date , weather , natural phenomenon , environment , price , weights and measures etc.

  24. 清代河州度量衡制钱地亩计算单位及方法

    Weights and Measures , Copper Coin Striking and Farmland Measures and Calculating Ways in Hezhou in Qing Dynasty

  25. 数学家和科学家共同研究了二十年最终完成了这个度量衡制。

    Mathematicians and scientists worked on these problems for twenty years until they finally finished the complete system .

  26. 制定统一的破产法,铸造钱币并控制其价值,确立度量衡标准;

    Establish uniform bankruptcy laws ; coin money and regulate its value ; fix standards of weights and measures ;

  27. 之后,他还统一了文字、货币、度量衡以及官制。

    He provided his new empire with a uniform script , currency , a measuring system and a bureaucracy .

  28. 目前国际上通用的度量衡制度有米制、英制和美制。

    The commonly used systems in the world are the Metric System , the British System and the U.S.System .

  29. 通过扩展时间和频率的度量衡学的极限,它们使基本物理定律新的检验成为可能。

    By extending the limits of time and frequency metrology , they enable new tests of fundamental physics laws .

  30. 同时,政府统一了货币和度量衡并使造币厂国有化。

    At the same time , the government unified the coinage , nationalized the mints and standardized weights and measures .