
  • 网络Dutasteride;Avodart
  1. 度他雄胺和非那雄胺都由默克公司销售。

    Both dutasteride and finasteride , sold by Merck & Co.

  2. 周三发表的研究称,临床上用来减少肥大前列腺体积的药物度他雄胺,可降低前列腺癌高风险男性患此病风险的四分之一。

    In research reported Wednesday , the drug dutasteride , currently used to shrink enlarged prostates , was found to reduce the risk of prostate cancer by about a quarter in high-risk men .

  3. Avodart抑制两种亚型,尤其是对前列腺癌起主要作用的那种亚型。“希望度他雄胺能更好”,St。

    Avodart inhibits both forms , especially the form that plays a more prominent role in prostate cancer ," and the expectation is that dutasteride would be a better drug ," said Dr.

  4. 其中一半每天服用度他雄胺,共四年;

    Half received dutasteride daily for four years ;

  5. 作为一个5级脱发的患者,我决定使用度他雄胺,是因为他的疗效更强,随着我治疗的进展,我将继续发帖上来,祝我好运吧!

    I decided on Dut over Fin because it 's stronger and being a NW5 I need all the help I can get . : punk : I 'll keep posting my results as I go along , wish me luck !