
dù xià
  • aestivate;estivate;summer
度夏 [dù xià]
  • [summer] 过炎热的夏天

  • 在度假胜地度夏

度夏[dù xià]
  1. 600MW直接空冷凝汽器的度夏与防冻能力探讨

    Investigation on Summer Spending and Anti-freezing Capability of 600 MW Direct-air-cooling Condensers

  2. 谷物冷却对储粮安全度夏的效果研究

    Effect of grain cooling on safety of stored grain in summer

  3. 6省市2003年迎峰度夏调研分析

    Survey and Analysis of Power Supply for 2003 Summer Peak Load

  4. 高水分稻谷安全度夏试验报告

    Report on safe storage of paddy at high moisture content in summer

  5. 他们在希腊群岛航游度夏。

    They spent the summer cruising in the Greek islands .

  6. 加强需求侧管理实现广东电网安全度夏

    Enhancing DSM and Realizing Guangdong Electric Network Estivating in Safety

  7. 我们驱车来到湖滨小屋度夏。

    We drove to our lodge on the lake for the summer .

  8. 迎峰度夏激励政策及实施机制研究

    Incentive Policy And Implement Mechanism Research on Peak Load Period

  9. 高水分大米度夏保藏试验

    Safe storage of rice with high moisture in summer

  10. 易燃易爆化学物品如何安全度夏

    Flammable explosive chemistry goods how to get the degree of security in summer

  11. 鄂中地区偏高水分晚籼稻谷安全度夏试验

    Late indica rice of high moisture content safely spending summer in middle of Hubei

  12. 皱纹盘鲍杂交幼鲍闽东内湾度夏初探

    Preliminary study on over-summering of juvenile hybrid Pacific abalone in east Fujian inner bay

  13. 小麦粉不同储藏方法度夏的研究

    A study on flour 's passing the season of summer by various storing means

  14. 你母亲来汉普顿度夏了吗

    Your mother 's summering in the Hamptons ?

  15. 花生果密闭储藏保鲜度夏技术

    Seal storage of peanut for spending summer

  16. 武汉地区玉米安全度夏技术研究

    Safe storage technique of Maize in summer

  17. 加强电力需求侧管理做好迎峰度夏工作

    Enhancing power DSM to meet summer peak

  18. 安徽电网2008年迎峰度夏危险点浅析及预控

    Analysis and Preparing of Dangerous Point of Anhui Power System to Meet Summer Peak in 2008

  19. 高大平房仓储粮度夏,粮堆存在较大的冷心和明显的热皮。

    Grain bulk has the phenomena of cold center and hot periphery in large warehouse in summer .

  20. 调荷避峰信息管理系统在安徽电网迎峰度夏需求侧管理工作中的应用

    Application of load regulation and peak averting information management system to DSM of Anhui Power Grid in summer

  21. 采用耐热导线提高输电线路的输送能力是北京电力公司2004年输电度夏工程中所采用的新技术项目之一。

    To adopt heat-resisting wire to raise the transmission capacity was the one of new technical project for Beijing Electric Power Corp.

  22. 未雨绸缪周密部署狠抓落实确保华东电网安全有序运行&2005年迎峰度夏工作专评

    Taking precautions to deploy carefully and implementing with full attention to ensure secure and orderly operation of East China Power Grid

  23. 利用集制冷和通风于一体的谷物冷却器对砖筒仓和钢板仓储藏的小麦、玉米和稻谷进行冷却通风度夏试验。

    The test of cooling and ventilation for wheat , maize and paddy which stored in the brick silo and steel silo was carried out respectively .

  24. 利用机械通风结合粮面稻壳压盖控温技术,进行了偏高水分晚籼稻谷保水度夏试验。

    Mechanical ventilation combining with covering grain surface by rice husk were used to keep moisture of late indica rice of high moisture content and safely spend summer .

  25. 结果表明:以密闭储藏对小麦粉安全度夏的效果最好,并能较好地保持小麦粉的品质;

    And the result of this test shows that the best way to store the flour in summer is airtight which is able to keep the flour 's quality .

  26. 罗曼是一个模特,埃莉诺曾和她一次工作过。他带罗曼来纽约过圣诞节,经过一些摩擦之后,布莱尔向他示好,于是他们邀请她到法国度夏。

    He brought Roman to New York for Christmas and after some initial friction , Blair warmed up to him and they invited her to spend the summer in France .

  27. 直接空冷系统的度夏能力在设计时应综合考虑7个因素,其中的外界环境因素主要是风和污垢。

    Factors should be considered generally in design of the summer spending capability of the direct-air-cooling system , of which wind and dirty are the main factors for the external environment factors .

  28. 为解决夏季高背压运行影响汽轮机安全问题,保证机组出力,空冷发电厂采用喷雾降温的方法作为尖峰度夏措施。

    The higher operating pressure of air cooled power plant greatly affects the safety and power output of steam turbine in summer , so the method of reducing air temperature by spray cooling is used .

  29. 采用新型保温隔热材料对仓房进行吊顶,试验结果表明:应用新型吊顶材料对仓房吊顶后,能够起到很好的隔热作用,在储粮度夏期间能有效降低仓温和表层粮温上升幅度;

    A nwe type material of heat preservation and insulation was adopted to make ceiling of storehouse , the results showed that , it worked very well and achieved approximate low temperature storage effect . Grain Reserve Ecology .

  30. 对外垛储藏的小麦,采用塑料薄膜覆盖密闭技术,使得储藏小麦安全度夏,在存放的1年零10个月时间里,粮食品质正常,无发热霉变和结露现象发生。

    Using the airtight storage technique of outside stacks of wheat covered with plastic film could make the stored wheat safety in summer , then during 22 months , the quality of grain was normal and this method could prevent the stored wheat from heating , molding and dewing .