
  • 网络polynya;polynia;Weddell Polynya
  1. 现在这座冰山浮在一个由海冰环绕的冰间湖上。海低深水就是由这种冰间湖下沉形成,推动洋流像传送带一样在全球循环。

    Bottom water produced by polynyas sinks to the bottom of the sea and drives the conveyor-belt like ocean circulation around the globe .

  2. 结果表明,观测海区叶绿素a浓度高值位于近岸海湾、冰间湖和测区中部的陆坡区;

    The result showed that the high chlorophyll a concentration was in the coastal bay , the polynya and the slope of the middle surveyed area .