
  • 网络MELTING ICE;glacial ablation;THE MELTDOWN;glacier ablation
  1. 冰川消融造成海平面上升。

    The melting ice caused a rise in sea level .

  2. 冰川消融、狩猎和过度捕捞都是造成这些物种濒临灭绝的原因。

    Melting ice caps , hunting and over-fishing were identified as the culprits .

  3. 2007年,IPCC发布了一份报告,报告中有关喜马拉雅冰川消融的速度有误,此后IPCC的信誉一直受到质疑。

    The IPCC 's credibility has come under scrutiny since a 2007 report that contained errors about the pace of the melting of Himalayan glaciers .

  4. 全球冰川消融加剧使人类环境面临威胁

    Global Ice Melting Accelerated Would Threaten to Human Environmental Safety

  5. 我国大陆型冰川消融特征分析

    The Characteristics of Ablation on Continental type Glaciers in CHina

  6. 冰川消融在形态上通常表现为末端退缩、面积缩小和厚度减薄。

    Glacier ablation usually presents in the back end shrinking , size reduction and thickness thinning .

  7. 过去在间冰期,冰川消融退去后会裸露出陆地。

    During previous inter-glacial periods , when glaciers retreated they left behind open land in their wakes .

  8. 乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川消融区排水系统初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Drainage System in the Ablation Area of the Glacier No.1 at the Source of Urumqi River

  9. 河流径流量的变化、暴风雨、冰川消融以及诸多其它危险也会造成麻烦。

    Changes in the flow of rivers , storms , melting ice and many other hazards will cause difficulties , too .

  10. 珠穆朗玛峰自身也在随着冰川消融而退缩,这让湖泊暴涨,某一天可能爆裂并引发特大洪水。

    Mount Everest itself is retreating and glaciers are melting , swelling lakes that could one day burst and cause massive flooding .

  11. 近半个世纪以来,新疆地区所发生的气温升高,冰川消融加速等现象与全球尺度气温升高密切相关。

    Nearly half a century , In Xinjiang area , the rising temperatures , melting glaciers accelerating phenomena are closely related to global scale temperature rise .

  12. 科学家们已经确信它们正在退缩,但是他们在进一步解释这个证据、并在把冰川消融归因于人类引起的气候变化方面犹犹豫豫。

    Scientists have established that they are receding , but they hesitate in interpreting this evidence any further and attributing melting glaciers to human-induced climate change .

  13. 孟加拉等国笼罩在被淹没的恐惧中,而中国、印度等国则直接受到喜马拉雅山冰川消融的威胁。

    Countries such as Bangladesh confront the spectre of submergence while China , India and others are directly threatened by the retreat of the Himalayan glaciers .

  14. 这篇报道表示,“全球变暖、放牧、采矿和旅游等因素加速了冰川消融,导致多个地区水资源短缺。”

    The report said that " global warming , grazing , mining and tourism have accelerated destruction of the glaciers , and led to water shortages in several areas . "

  15. 新疆气候所发生气温升高、冰川消融加速等现象,与全球尺度的气温升高密切相关。气温的持续升高,使得消融量远大于累积量,是导致新疆地区冰川消融量持续增加的主要原因。

    The occurrence of temperature increasing and glacier melting in Xinjiang closely related to global warming . The temperature continues to increase , which causes the quantity of glacier ablation much bigger than accumulation .

  16. 冰川消融大部分发生在冰川表面,一般来说,在冰川消融过程中,融化是主要过程,蒸发并不重要,因为冰的蒸发潜热远远大于溶解热。

    Melting usually occurred on the glacier surface , and is a main process during the glacier ablation period . Evaporation is not important , because ice vaporizing need much more energy than ice melting .

  17. 该团队表示,影响地球转动的因素包括月球的制动力,自冰河世纪以来极地冰川消融造成的地球形状的改变,地幔和地核的电磁相互作用以及海平面的变化等。

    Factors which influence the earth 's rotation include the moon 's braking effect , earth 's altering shape due to shrinking polar ice caps since the last Ice Age , electro-magnetic interactions between the mantle and core , and changes in the mean sea level , said the team .

  18. QH-2000孔沉积物粒度的波动特征表明:晚冰期冰川的消融开始于14300aBP左右;

    The fluctuating characteristics of the grainsize in the core QH-2000 indicate that the melting of the glacier began at ca.

  19. 冰川的消融让深埋在冰下的植物重见天日。

    As the ice retreats it uncovers the foliage it had entombed .

  20. 乌鲁木齐河源冰川的消融强度函数

    Ablation Function of the Glacier in the Source of the Urumqi River

  21. 冰川的消融可能会加剧季节性洪水和干旱。

    Shrinking glaciers could exaggerate seasonal flooding and droughts .

  22. 南极冰川的消融意味着我们的责任心也在消融。

    The ablation of South Pole glacier means our responsibility is disappearing at the same time .

  23. 更糟的是,中印两国都有所依赖的冰川正在消融。

    To make matters worse , the glaciers on which both China and India partly depend are melting .

  24. 蒸发(升华)作用对我国大陆型冰川的消融具有重要意义。

    The evaporation ( sublimation ) takes an important role in the ablation on continental type glaciers in China .

  25. 冰川的消融、海平面的上升,这些因气候变化而产生的消极影响,有可能在本世纪引发地球陆地格局的重大变化。

    Melting ice and rising sea levels caused by climate change are likely to result in major changes to the worlds physical landmass during this century .

  26. 全球气候变暖带来的气温升高、冰川崩塌消融、海平面上升、粮食减产等严重后果,使人们对于碳排放的问题开始了新的思考。

    The global warming has brought the serious consequences of rising temperatures , glacier melting collapse , rising sea levels , food production , so that people started a new thinking for carbon emissions .

  27. 全球气候正在经历着一次以变暖为主要特征的显著变化,温度的升高和冰川的消融将增大极端气候事件出现的概率和强度,对自然生态系统和人类社会生活造成巨大的负面影响。

    The global climate is getting warmer with temperature increasing and ice melting , which would increase the possibility and the intensity of the extreme weather and would lead to huge negative impact on the nature ecosystem and the society .

  28. 当人类排放过量的碳以至于打破了碳平衡;当冰川开始消融;当海平面在上升;当气候逐渐变暖,我们便发现高能耗、高碳排和高污染的传统老路已经行不通。

    When emitting excessive carbon causes breaking the carbon balance , the glacier began melting , the sea level is rising , the climate is warming , the development of heavy energy consumption , heavy carbon emitting and heavy pollution becomes on longer obtain .

  29. 全世界的冰川都在消融,北极圈尤其如此。

    Ice sheets the world over are melting back and that 's particularly true in the Arctic .

  30. 在冰川与积雪消融研究中,度日模型应用较为广泛,该模型是基于冰雪消融与气温,尤其是正积温之间的线性关系建立的。

    Degree-day factor is an important parameter of degree-day model which is a widely used method for ice and snow melt computation .