
  • 网络glacier garden
  1. 一位徒步旅行者在蒙大拿州国家冰河公园的格林奈尔冰川的小径上俯瞰壮观的格林奈尔湖美景。

    A hiker takes in a spectacular view of Grinnell Lake on the trail to the Grinnell Glacier in Montana 's Glacier National Park .

  2. 更多游客有兴趣去冰河国家公园玩。

    More visitors were interested in going to the park .

  3. 从Montata冰河国家公园采集的数据显示出很强的角度依赖性。

    Data collected over Glacier National Park of Montana show strong angular dependence .

  4. 为什麽需要建造一条穿过冰河国家公园的公路?

    What made it necessary to build a road through the Glacier National Park ?

  5. 向阳大道如何影响人们体验冰河国家公园的方式?

    How has the Going-to-the-Sun Road influenced the way people experience the Glacier National Park ?

  6. 尽管黄石国家公园、大峡谷国家公园和约塞米蒂国家公园比其他的国家公园更受到世人的关注,但在“最令人惊艳”的国家公园排行中,冰河国家公园却名列第一。

    While Yellowstone , Grand Canyon and Yosemite might get more attention than other national parks , Glacier National Park in Montana may take the cake as the most breathtaking .

  7. 阿拉斯加州冰河湾国家公园

    Glacier Bay National Park , Alaska

  8. 还是看鲸鱼这个主题,上榜的下一个夏季度假胜地是位于阿拉斯加的冰河湾国家公园。

    Sticking with the whale-watching theme , the next summer spot on the list is Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska .

  9. 这一点是Deecke博士于2010年7月22日在阿拉斯加冰河湾国家公园一艘小船上研究灰熊习性时发现的。

    Dr Deecke made this discovery while studying grizzly-bear behaviour from a small boat in Glacier Bay National Park , Alaska , on July 22nd 2010 .

  10. 它是冰河湾、黄石公园、大雾山还是约塞米蒂国家公园?

    Is it Glacier Bay , Yellowstone , Great Smoky Mountains or Yosemite ?

  11. 一万年前的巨型冰河塑造了该公园的标志性岩层,甚至连公园的名字也来源于此。

    It does indeed get its name from the huge glaciers that helped to shape the park 's signature rock formations 10000 years ago .