
  • 网络Yakutia;yakut
  1. 他们定期将视频上传至YouTube,雅库特先生希望借此吸引足够的订阅者,这样就会有广告商有兴趣在他的频道投放广告了。

    They upload the regular reports to YouTube , where Mr Yakut is hoping to attract enough subscribers to interest advertisers in his channel .

  2. 开发雅库特自然资源的探讨

    Discussion on Development of Yakut Natural Resource

  3. 尽管雅库特人是少数民族,但他们却牢牢地掌控着这块版图。

    Although the Yakutians are a minority , they have firm control of the territory

  4. 雅库特共和国天寒地冻吐气成冰

    It is so cold in Yakutia , that breath instantly freezes

  5. 雅库特先生向观众呈现了在莫斯科市中心无家可归的他是如何度过每一天的。

    Mr Yakut shows viewers how he deals with everyday life without a home in central Moscow .

  6. 像在世界其他地方的牛一样,这些驯鹿的生命也和雅库特联系在了一起。

    Like cattle in other parts of the world , reindeer form the lifeline of these Yakut people .

  7. 19世纪70&80年代是雅库特行政流放的第一阶段,被流放到此的主要是平民知识分子。

    1970s and 1980s was the first stage of Yakut administrative transport , the main transports were civilian intellectuals .

  8. 雅库特是古代人,大约700年前想要向北迁移。

    The Yakut are an ancient people , thought to have migrated north to Yukutia around 700 years ago .

  9. 西伯利亚北部的雅库特如田园般而且风景如画的,也是在北半球最冷的地方。

    In the north of Siberia lies Yakutia , idyllic and picturesque , and also the coldest spot in the northern hemisphere .

  10. 在一个视频里,雅库特先生说,他们流浪汉可以通过乘坐免费巴士四处走走。

    In one video Mr Yakut points out free shuttle bus services that he , and others in his position , can use to get around .

  11. 雅库特当地媒体报道,切尔斯基镇的中央供热系统出现了故障,导致三吨石油排入了供水系统。

    The local Yakutia Media website says a central heating system accident in the village of Chersky resulted in three tonnes of oil leaking into the water supply .

  12. 远东的雅库特和萨哈林州的天然气潜在资源量为16.7万亿立方米,探明储量为1.57万亿立方米。

    Potential natural gas resources in Yakut and Sakhalin of Far Eastern Russia total 16-7 trillion cubic meters , with proved reserves of 1 . 57 trillion cubic meters .

  13. 由于经济原因,加上气候恶劣、劳动力短缺,雅库特地方政府想通过吸引外资联合开发,现已建立了56个合资企业。

    In the ground of economy plus bad climate and shortage of work force , Yakut local government has planed for combination development through introduction of foreign capital and established 56 joint ventures .

  14. 同时,雅库特先生说,支持者可以通过莫斯科一条排水管给他捐款,他在那里放了一个用饮料瓶改造的储蓄盒,里面藏着他攒的美元。

    In the meantime , Mr Yakut says supporters can make donations via a Moscow drain pipe , where he hides his cache of dollars in a deposit box fashioned from a soft-drink bottle .