
  1. 尺牍,是古人对书信的一种雅称。

    Correspondence is one kind of elegant name being the ancients to the letter .

  2. 尺牍即古代人们互相酬答的书信,乃书信之别称、雅称。

    The correspondence namely is letter that ancient people thanked each other , and it is another name , calling refined of the letter .

  3. 拉斯维加斯素有“世界结婚之城”的雅称,但如今想在夜里结婚的午夜狂欢者们恐怕得等到第二天早上了。

    Las Vegas bills itself as " the wedding capital of the world ," but late-night revelers who decide they want to tie the knot now must wait until morning .

  4. 所谓裁员,就是公司为了降低成本而解雇一些员工并将其工作职责重新分配给其他人。裁员常被雅称为重组、合理精简、资源重新配置、岗位剥离等。

    Downsizing is reducing costs by dismissing employees and reassigning their duties to the employees who remain . They usually call it restructuring , rightsizing , reallocating resources , or job separation .

  5. 武汉雅称百湖之市,是全国湖泊数量最多的城市之一,湖泊是武汉市的名片。

    Wuhan has a nickname of ' City with hundreds of lakes ', and it is one of the cities with the largest number of lakes in china . Lake is a name card of Wuhan .