
lǜ yù
  • emerald
绿玉[lǜ yù]
  1. 本系列同时收录了四个由他创作的夏洛克·福尔摩斯探案的故事&《蓝色宝石》、《绿玉王冠》、《诺伍德谜案》和《四签名》。

    His story about the detective Sherlock Holmes-The Blue Diamond , The Emerald Crown , The Norwood Mystery and The Sign of Four are also available in the Bookworms series .

  2. 一种透明青绿色绿玉。

    A transparent variety of beryl that is blue green in color .

  3. 绿玉的一种,用作宝石。

    A kind of pink beryl used as a gemstone .

  4. 绿玉藤宜种植物在中性至酸性的土壤中。

    Jade vine grows best in neutral to acidic soils .

  5. 透明的绿色绿玉,一种价值极高的宝石。

    A green transparent form of beryl ; highly valued as a gemstone .

  6. 铍的主要来源,各种有色的透明绿玉与宝石价值相当。

    The chief source of beryllium ; colored transparent varieties are valued as gems .

  7. 在夏威夷绿玉藤是被用来做花环而种植的。

    Jade vine is cultivated in Hawaii for the flowers which are used in leis .

  8. 绿玉藤原产地在菲律宾的热带雨林中。

    Jade vine is native to the Philippines where it grows in tropical rain forests .

  9. 绿玉藤可以应用于热带地区的绿化造景中,可将其修剪整形为格架、拱门或凉棚。

    Jade vine is grown in tropical landscapes , trained to a stout trellis , arch or pergola .

  10. 它们由十二块翡翠绿玉片所组成,通过炼金术变形产生的物质形成。

    They consist of twelve tablets of emerald green , formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation .

  11. 绿玉:唤醒大海般的爱和仁慈之一。位于心脏穴位中心的宝石。

    Aquamarine : Remind one of the Ocean of Love and Mercy . Stone of the new heart chakra center .

  12. 他梦见自己走进了岩洞,只见绿玉铺地,红玉筑墙,洞顶闪闪发光,挂满了金刚钻凝成的钟乳石。

    He ascended into grottos paved with emeralds , with panels of rubies , and the roof glowing with diamond stalactites .

  13. 不同水平的氮、磷、钾以及氮钾、磷钾的交互作用都对绿玉菊叶面积的影响存在极显著差异。

    The effects on leaf area with different levels of N , P , Kand interact of NK , PK were limit significant .

  14. 水晶被安置在宏伟的神殿里,一些为大理石建造,其他的由绿玉,刚玉,钻石建成。

    The crystals were housed in magnificent Temples , some built of marble , others of crystalline sheets of beryl , corundum and diamond .

  15. 磷素与钾素都能促进绿玉菊对氮的吸收,但是高浓度的磷和钾有阻碍吸收的反作用。

    The factors of P and K could promote the absorbency of leaf nitrate-N content but high concentration of P and K show counteraction .

  16. 尸骨的绿玉和海菊蛤壳首饰,例如,和波拿蒙派克贵族在壁画神庙的第一间房间里绘画相符。

    The skeleton 's jade and Spondylus-shell jewelry , for example , matches that of the Bonampak nobles depicted in Room One of the Temple of Murals .

  17. 就像在《福尔摩斯与绿玉王冠》这本书中,福尔摩斯也是从了解被盗的人的家庭情况开始研究。

    Just as in " Sherlock Holmes and Green Jade Crown " This book , Holmes is stolen from understanding the family of things began to research .

  18. 绿玉菊叶片中的无机磷含量随氮素和钾素浓度增大而增大,而高氮和高钾情况下,植株吸收利用磷素的能力有所下降。

    With the rising of N , K concentration , the inorganic P content of leaves was increased , but the and the P absorption capacity had declined with the disposals of high concentration of N and K.10 .

  19. 安绿玉具多种颜色,它取决于铁的含量、价态和位置,含Fe~3+呈黄色系列,而Fe~(2+)→Fe~(3+)电荷转移吸收呈蓝色系列。

    There are different colours with Anlu jade and the colour is controlled by its content , valence state and position of Fe in jade . Fe3 + shows a series of yellow , Fe2 + → Fe3 + electron transport shows blue .

  20. 笔者选择了各种代表性样品(白玉、绿玉、白绿玉,棕黑色玉),对其进行了光薄片显微镜观察、探针、电镜、X光、红外等分析以及显微硬度测定。

    Various sorts of typical samples ( white jade , green jade , white - green jade , brownish black jade ) have been selected to perform polished and thin section microscopic observation , EMP , XRD and infrared spectral analysis , microhardness determination and SEM observation .