
As modern biotechnology and bio-business is very expensive and risky , it needs a clear biotechnology property right . However so far , the international law and regulations related to Antarctica have not defined that clearly yet .
According to the current developing status on Antarctica database , we primarily introduce the metadata standard , and compare some metadata standards among FGDC , ISO / TC211 , and DIF .
Antarctic Treaty System and International Law of the Sea : Conflict and Coordination
The relationship between the Antarctic politics and the contemporary international order are very close . The Antarctic politics often contact and interact with the actors of international politics .
The new marine protected area in the Ross Sea was created by a unanimous decision of the international body that oversees the waters around Antarctica - the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources - and was announced at the commission 's annual meeting in Tasmania last Friday .
The Antarctic Data Directory System ( ADDS ) is the basis of exchanging and sharing international Antarctic data , which is chosen as the top priority in international Antarctic sphere , and being researched jointly by many countries .