
  • 网络The Land of the Dead;Drive'n' kill
  1. 他把那些灵魂摆渡到死亡之地。

    Who ferried the souls to the land of the dead .

  2. 然而,火烈鸟实际上是唯一生活在这整片死亡之地中的物种。

    Flamingos , however , are the only species that actually makes life in the midst of all that death .

  3. 难道这里真的是死亡之地?

    Is there really a way of death ?

  4. 该地区的许多人不相信西方的医疗保健,宁愿在社区里照顾受感染的家人,也不愿送到被他们视为死亡之地的隔离医院。

    Many people in the region are suspicious of western healthcare and would rather take care of infected family members in the community than send them to an isolation hospital which they see as a place to die .

  5. 泰国湾有一个被称为死亡之地的Samaesan洞。Samaesan洞坐落在附近的渔村,它是泰国湾最深的潜水地点,最深达到85米。

    The Gulf of Thailand contains a deep point described as a " black silty hole of death . " Named for a nearby fishing village , the Samaesan Hole is the deepest diving site in the Gulf of Thailand , dropping down to 85 meters ( 280 ft ) .