
sǐ xínɡ huǎn qī èr nián zhí xínɡ
  • death sentence with a two-year reprieve ;two-year stay of execution
  1. 此外,即便产生影响,则仅限于判处或改判死刑缓期二年执行。

    Even so , the influences will be limited to either sentenced to death or death penalty with a two-year reprieve .

  2. 第二百零一条中级人民法院判处死刑缓期二年执行的案件,由高级人民法院核准。

    Article 201 A case where an Intermediate People 's Court has imposed a death sentence with a two-year suspension of execution , shall be subject to approval by a Higher People 's Court .

  3. 再创造与二次创造将比初创更为强大、遍。为了改造那些犯有死罪但还有可能改造的罪犯,中国独创了判处死刑缓期二年执行的制度。

    In order to reform those criminals who have committed crimes punishable by death but who may still be reformable , China has created a unique system of a death penalty with a two-year reprieve .

  4. 监狱是国家的刑罚执行机关,依法关押经法院判处有期徒刑、无期徒刑、死刑缓期二年执行的罪犯。

    Prison is the penalty for the implementation of national authorities , in accordance with the law by a court sentenced to detention , life imprisonment , the death penalty suspended for the 2002 implementation of criminals .

  5. 扩大死缓适用面,设立死刑缓期二年至五年执行的制度;

    Expand the application of death sentence with a suspension of execution ;

  6. 对于应当判处死刑的犯罪分子,如果不是必须立即执行的,可以判处死刑同时宣告缓期二年执行。

    If the immediate execution of a criminal punishable by death is not deemed necessary , a two-year suspension of execution may be pronounced simultaneously with the imposition of the death sentence .