
  1. 对利用职务便利实施信用卡犯罪的各种情形进行区别定性分析。

    She analyzes the credit card fraud crime carried out by making use of post to facilitate .

  2. 会议后发布的声明表示,徐才厚利用职务便利,为他人晋升职务提供帮助。

    A statement released after the meeting says Xu took advantage of his post to obtain promotions for certain people .

  3. 其次,分析介绍了贪污罪职务便利的内容,认为贪污罪利用职务上便利应包括主管、管理、经手、经营特定财物的便利。

    Secondly , it introduces the content of the advantage of office , which of the crime of graft includes direction , administration , handling and operation .

  4. 随着市场经济的同趋发展和市场主体的同益多元化,国家机关工作人员利用职务便利挪用公款的现象也逐渐增多,且数额也越来越大。

    With market subjects'diversity in developing market economy , by taking advantage of official duties , more and more officials are involved in embezzlement of public funds .

  5. 笔者认为,公司管理人员利用职务便利侵占股东股权,已经触犯了刑法,理应受到刑法的制裁。

    The author believes that workers of company who invade and occupy the shareholders ' equity in advantage of his position , has violate the criminal law , should be subject to criminal sanctions .

  6. 云南第一人民医院院长王天朝利用职务便利,在医疗设备采购、职位调换以及设施建设上牟取利益。

    Wang Tianchao , head of the First People 's Hospital of Yunnan , was accused of abusing his power in his responsibilities overseeing the procurement of medical equipment , personnel management and construction projects .

  7. 这就使在企业采购过程中相关人员收受非法回扣、滥用职务便利等手段来损害企业利益而满足个人的私欲的行为时有发生。

    This makes the phenomena that relevant personnel in the process of purchasing in enterprises receive the kickback , abuse post , which is harmful to interests of enterprises but satisfy personal behavior of selfish desire , take place occasionally .

  8. 第一百七十条国务院证券监督管理机构工作人员必须忠于职守,依法办事,公正廉洁,不得利用自己的职务便利牟取不正当的利益。

    Article 170 . Personnel of the securities regulatory body under the State Council must faithfully carry out their duties , operate according to law , and be just and honest . They shall not abuse their powers to obtain illegitimate interests .

  9. 若保险工作人员利用职务便利,与投保人等勾结骗取保险金,则依据想象竞合犯的处理原则,以重罪即贪污罪或职务侵占罪处罚。

    If the missionary of insurance company take advantages of his office and collude with the policy-holder to swindle the insurance compensation , according to the punishment principles of imaginative joint of offenses , the behaviors should be convicted as corruption or duty-related embezzlement .

  10. 为保护公司利益,规范经营管理人员的行为,防止他们利用职务便利将公司机会据为己有,公司机会规则应运而生。

    In order to protect the interests of the company , regulate the behavior of management personnel , and prevent them from taking advantage of their positions to facilitate the appropriation of corporate opportunities , the opportunity rules of company emerge at a historic moment .

  11. 中央纪委每年开展两次主要检查工作。中央纪委表示调查者发现两大电网公司领导人员利用职务便利为亲属谋利、收受下属单位有关人员赠送的现金、奢侈品和购物卡。

    The CCDI , which generally carries out two major inspections each year , said investigators found that the leaders of the two grid companies sought benefits for their relatives and had accepted cash , luxury gifts as well as shopping cards from employees of subsidiaries .

  12. 9月24日,国家发展和改革委员会原副主任,也是国家能源局局长刘铁男在法庭上承认与儿子刘德成收受贿赂3560万元,并利用职务之便利为个人谋利。

    The former deputy head of China 's top economic planner Liu Tienan , who also once oversaw energy policies , confessed in court on September 24 to taking some 35.6 million yuan in bribes with his son , Liu Decheng , and using his position to seek personal gain .

  13. 斡旋受贿与普通受贿是并列关系,利用职务上的便利与利用本人职权或者地位形成的便利条件是不同的两个概念。

    Mediate bribery and ordinary bribery are two apposite concepts .

  14. “利用职务上的便利”不是本罪必要的构成要件要素。

    " Taking advantage of his position " is not the necessary element of the crime .

  15. 最后,文章对利用职务上的便利的相关边界进行了确定。

    Finally , the article on the use of his position to the relevant borders were identified .

  16. 利用职务上的便利,收受他人财物或者其他好处的;

    Taking advantage of his power to accept the property of any other person or any other benefit ;

  17. 贪污罪中利用职务上的便利有自己独特的含义和成立条件。

    In the crime of embezzlement the use of position advantages has its particular meaning and conditions of constitution .

  18. 利用职务上的便利,贪污、挪用、侵占本行或者客户的资金;

    Use their own position to embezzle , divert and encroach upon the funds of the banks and clients ;

  19. 利用职务上的便利不包括利用工作上的便利。

    ' Used his position to facilitate ' do not include ' to facilitate the use of their work ' .

  20. 挪用公款罪是指国家工作人员利用职务上的便利,挪用公款归个人使用的一种犯罪。

    Misappropriating public funds is the crime that civil servants use to satisfy their own interests with the convenience of office power .

  21. 对之进行界定,有助于进一步明确受贿罪之利用职务上的便利的确切含义。

    On the definition will help further clarify the crime of bribe-taking ' advantage of his position to facilitation ' exactly what it means .

  22. 利用职务上的便利,索取、收受贿赂或者违反国家规定收受各种名义的回扣、手续费;

    Use their own position to ask for or accept bribery or accept commissions or service charges under various titles in violation of state regulations ;

  23. 这样极易造成高级管理人员利用职务上的便利和信息上的优势侵害股东利益的情况发生。

    This is caused extremely easily senior management personnel by the convenience of position and information advantage on the interests of the shareholders infringement happens .

  24. 介绍目前刑法学界存在的关于利用职务上的便利的几种理论观点及相关司法解释。

    The article describes several theoretical perspectives and the relevant judicial explanations about making use of the convenience of position in the current criminal law circles .

  25. 第二方面关于利用职务上的便利的界定。

    And so should not become the principal of taking bribes . The second aspect is about taking advantage of his position on the definition of convenience .

  26. 至于保险公司工作人员利用职务上的便利,骗取保险公司的财产,是贪污或职务侵占,而非诈骗。

    As for some deputies cheat money from the company by utilizing their professional convenience , that is considered as embezzlement or professional occupation but not deception .

  27. 利用职务上的便利,不是私自开拆、隐匿、毁弃邮件、电报罪的构成要件。

    The action of utilizing the duty convenience isn 't the constituent element of the crime of opening privately , hiding , ruining and throwing away mails and telegrams .

  28. 五是受贿罪的客观方面,主要对利用职务上的便利的认定,受贿对象的范围,赃款去向等问题进行了探讨。

    The objective factors of bribery guilt which mainly discusses the conforming of taking advantage of official advantages , the scope of bribe takers and where about the illicit money .

  29. 生产、服务性的劳务活动中经手财物的便利是不是职务上的便利?

    As to the convenience just because of managing property in the course of production and service activity , is it fall in the category of " advantage of one 's office "?

  30. 第三,劳务派谴等非用工单位在编人员在用工单位,利用职务上的便利,将本单位财物非法占为己有的,是职务侵占主体。

    Third , placement the service personnel in the Employer , use in the duty the convenience , illegal possesses oneself of this unit belongings , is the duty invades the main body .