
  • 网络Crime of official embezzlement;misappropriation
  1. 职务侵占罪理论与实务之探析

    The Theory and Practice of the Offence of Duty Encroachment Offence

  2. 盗窃罪与职务侵占罪在司法实务中都是比较常见的罪名。

    Theft and duties of embezzlement in judicial practice is common offence .

  3. 论职务侵占罪客体

    Discussion on the Object of Crime of the Crime of Duty Encroachment

  4. 论职务侵占罪的司法认定及完善

    On the Judicial Holding and Legal Perfection of Crime of Duty Encroachment

  5. 职务侵占罪主体的内涵与外延

    Differentiating the Intension and Extension on Subject of the Crime of Duty Encroachment

  6. 职务侵占罪与贪污罪的辨析

    The Difference of Official Offence and Corruption Offence

  7. 时至今日,在职务侵占罪的许多重大问题上仍存在诸多分歧。

    Today , there are still many differences on many major issues related crimes .

  8. 职务侵占罪主体浅析

    Analyses the Subject of Official Encroachment Crime

  9. 职务侵占罪主体的认定

    Certification of Subject of Duty Aggressiveness

  10. 职务侵占罪的沿革、比较与借鉴

    The Evolution , Comparison and Use for Reference about the Crime of Possession of Property by Law

  11. 第二种意见认为李爽构成职务侵占罪,但是免除刑事处罚。

    The second one is that Li Shuang commits duty embezzlement crime but should be exempted from criminal punishment .

  12. 职务侵占罪是我国刑法1997年修订以后新增加的罪名,属于财产性犯罪。

    Duty Embezzlement is a new item in China Criminal Law of 1997 , it belongs to property crimes .

  13. 职务侵占罪与侵占罪有着貌合神离的关系,与贪污罪有着惊人的相似。

    The crime of official embezzlement and the crime of embezzlement have the relationship of being friendly in name only .

  14. 最后,就职务侵占罪中的非法占为己有的理解在本案中也存在很大的分歧。

    Again , there are significant differences in understanding of " illegal accounting as their own " of Duty Embezzlement .

  15. 本文这次从一个案例出发,引出了对职务侵占罪与盗窃罪的分析,以及这二罪的区别。

    Starting from a case this paper leads to the analysis and difference between the crime of embezzlement and the theft .

  16. 基于现状,本文通过案例辨析盗窃罪与职务侵占罪,揭开盗窃罪与职务侵占罪的神秘面纱。

    Based on this very situation , this paper analyzes a case about theft and embezzlement to reveal the mystery of them .

  17. 现行刑法对职务侵占罪主体的规定比较笼统,导致司法实践中难以操作。

    In the present criminal law , the prescript about the subject of functional occupation crime is not explicit enough to practice .

  18. 职务侵占罪是一种新的罪名,刑法理论界对该罪主体存在较大争议。

    The crime of official embezzlement is a new kind of crime , about which there is great controversy in criminal law theory circles .

  19. 与此同时,财产类犯罪也不断上升,职务侵占罪、盗窃罪、侵占罪便是其中最为常见的犯罪。

    At the same time , the property class crime rising post embezzlement , theft , of Embezzlement is one of the most common crimes .

  20. 职务侵占罪是一种古老的财产犯罪,在整个侵犯财产罪体系中占有重要地位。

    Crime of position encroachment is a sort of old and important crime of property violation in the whole system of crime of property violation .

  21. 与原有的职务侵占罪相比较,表明了我国现阶段加强对个人财产所有权的保护力度的价值取向。

    Comparing with the old crime of duty embezzlement , it shows the tropism that our country strengths the power to protect the private property now .

  22. 文章从职务侵占罪的立法过程出发,运用两要件犯罪构成学说对案例进行具体分析。

    The paper from the legislative process of duty embezzlement crime conducts a detailed analysis of the case based on the two-element theory constituting a crime .

  23. 关于职务侵占罪与盗窃罪的区别和联系之前就有很多学者在理论上进行了详细的研究和探讨,他们的区别是显而易见的。

    Many scholars theoretically reserched and discussed the distinction and connection of the crime of embezzlement and theft in detail . The difference between them is obvious .

  24. 职务侵占罪与盗窃罪在犯罪类型、犯罪故意、犯罪目的、犯罪行为方式等方面有诸多相同之处。

    Office embezzlement and theft have many similarities in the type of crime , criminal intention , the purpose of the crime , criminal behavior , and so on .

  25. 然而个案中案件事实复杂,一律认定为职务侵占罪失之偏颇,有客观归罪之嫌。

    However , due to the complex facts in cases it is biased to identify all as duty embezzlement crime . It has some hint of an objective blame .

  26. 长期以来,由于受政治、经济体制和历史等因素的影响,我国对职务侵占罪的立法比较滞后。

    Because of the effects of polity , economy and history , our Criminal Law has being lagged on legislation of the crime of duty encroachment for a long time .

  27. 对于职务侵占罪与盗窃罪的共同犯罪问题,要以主犯的身份来确定共同犯罪的犯罪性质。

    The duties of theft and embezzlement of common crime , it is necessary in order to determine the identity of the principal criminal of the common nature of the crime .

  28. 认定职务侵占罪需认定四个要素:认清侵占主体的身份,即主体身份必须是非国有公司、企业人员以及非国家公务员身份;

    Identifying seizure crime in post involves four factors as follows : 1.identifying the subject , which must be a non nation owned company , enterprise or a non public official ;

  29. 职务侵占罪在客观方面表现为行为人利用职务上的便利,将公司、企业或者其他单位的财物非法占为已有,数额较大的行为。

    The objective aspect of Professional Embezzlement is that someone illegally possesses the properties of the company , enterprise or other unit , in large amount , taking advantage of ones duty .

  30. 职务侵占罪是从贪污罪中分离出来的一种新罪,与贪污罪在犯罪构成方面存在着交叉,在司法实践中往往因定性问题而难以加以认定。

    The official offence is the crime newly separated from corruption offence , so there are some crossing points in the constitution of crime , making it difficult to determine in practical case .