
  • 网络Employee education;staff education;education of staff and workers
  1. 职工教育与企业信息化国有企业要切实抓好职工教育

    On Education of Staff and Workers in State-owned Enterprises

  2. 职工教育市场学说的形成与问题研究

    Research on formation of theory of staff education market

  3. 为了加强煤矿企业的安全管理,降低事故频率,提高劳动生产率,笔者详细介绍了用VFP软件开发的煤矿职工教育信息管理系统。

    In order to reinforce the safety management in coal mining , to reduce the incidence of accident and to raise the labor productivity , the information management system for education of mining staff derived from VFP software is given in detail .

  4. 煤矿职工教育信息管理系统的开发

    Development of Information Management System for Education of Coal Mining Staff

  5. 铁路职工教育管理信息系统分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of Railway Employee Education Management Information System

  6. 铁路职工教育网络管理系统

    Network Management Information System for Teaching Railway Staff and Workers

  7. 关于职工教育培训的实践与创新

    Educates training about the staff the practice and the innovation

  8. 加强职工教育;

    Strengthen the education of the staff and workers ;

  9. 职工教育深入开展,职工文化素质得到提升。

    Depth education of workers , trade unions and cultural qualities be raised .

  10. 企业发展与职工教育

    The Relation between Enterprise Developmet and Staff Education

  11. 职工教育是开发智力、培养人才的重要途径。

    The staff education is an important way of developing intelligence and training talent .

  12. 关于我国建设职工教育法规的思考

    Reflection on the education regulation of construction staff

  13. 创建学习型企业&职工教育培训新使命

    Establishment of Enterprise of Studying Type & A New Mission for Vocational Training of Staff

  14. 加强职工教育;浅谈职工教育的现代化

    Strengthen the education of the staff and workers ; On Modernization of Labor 's Education

  15. 加强在岗青年职工教育;

    Strengthening the education of employee ;

  16. 因此,培训效果评估是职工教育培训的重要环节。

    Therefore , training effect evaluation is a very important link for staff education and training .

  17. 新时期职工教育改革与发展探索

    On the Exploration into the Reform and the Development of Workers ' Education in New Period

  18. 我说的是包括职工教育在内的智力开发,要更好地注意这个问题。

    In this I include training for workers and managers , which should receive more attention .

  19. 适应改革形势加强职工教育不断提高企业整体素质

    Fitting in with the Reform Situation and Strengthening the Staff Education to Improve the Overall Quality of Enterprise

  20. 关于工会成为职工教育之家的思考

    With regard to the thinking on that the Trade Union becomes the Family of Education of the staff and workers

  21. 国内外职工教育、职业技术培训的实施中,不断有新的同步发电机电压调整、频率调整实验装置面世。

    Now new voltage and frequency adjusting equipment come true continuously in the fields of training and technology education in China and abroad .

  22. 建立学习型现代企业&武钢职工教育走向新世纪的思考

    Set Up Modern Enterprise of the Learning Type & A Thought on the Education of Wugang Staff and Workers for the New Century

  23. 企业开展岗位培训是职工教育带有方向性的改革,也是提高企业素质的重要途径。

    Post training in enterprise , a kind of adults education reform , is an important way to raise the quality of staff .

  24. 企业开展国防教育所需经费,在本单位职工教育经费中列支。

    The fund that is essential for an enterprise to carry out national defense education shall be paid from its staff education fund .

  25. 在企业职工教育中,开设创造发明课程是提高职工创造力的最佳途径。

    In the workers ' education in enterprises , offering creating and inventing courses is the best way to improve the workers ' creative ability .

  26. 职工教育中应用文写作能力的培养应用文写作能力是职业工作能力的重要组成部分。

    The training of writing ability in the education of the staff and education workers Practical writing ability is an important composing part of vocational ability .

  27. 随着职工教育在新时期的发展,全面的素质教育越来越成为职工教育的新趋势。

    With the development of staff education in the new field , a full range of quality education has increasingly become a new trend in employee education .

  28. 职工教育经费按照国家规定的比例提取,专项用于企业职工后续职业教育和职业培训。

    The expense for staff training shall be withdrawn at the proportion provisioned by the state , and shall be specially used for the follow-up vocational education and training of employees .

  29. 成都电信的实践已经证明,职工教育是企业培育人才的有效途径,是电信发展的基础和动力。

    The practice of Chengdu Telecom has proved that education of clerks and workers is a effective way of cultivating qualified men by Enterprise , is base and motive power to the development of Telecom .

  30. 首钢远程培训网是一个首钢集团开展职工教育培训的计算机网络应用系统,网络中心(北京)与集团下属各公司建设的学习中心通过专线连接。

    Shougang Remote training network is a network application system of Shougang Group for education and staff training . Networking Center ( Beijing ) connects Group learning centers built by subsidiary companies through special line .