
  • 网络Worker's Hospital
  1. 以马兰矿职工医院门诊楼地质勘察资料的分析为依据,确立了采用水泥灌浆的加固方案。

    According to the geologic investigation of out patient building of Malan mine worker 's hospital the cement grout reinforcement plan is adopted .

  2. 关于卫生资源的调整与职工医院改革的问题

    Medical Resource Adjustment and Worker 's Hospital Reform

  3. 职工医院产权制度改革的思考与运作

    Thinking and operation of property right system reform in staff hospitals

  4. 某公司综合楼及职工医院空调设计探讨

    Air conditioning system design of a comprehensive and staff hospital in certain Company

  5. 前言:目的:掌握小型职工医院用药情况。

    OBJECTIVE : To understand the situation of drugs used in this hospital .

  6. 你必须立刻到职工医院去。

    You must go to the staff and worker ' hospital at once .

  7. 大型企业职工医院组建医疗集团的必要性和可行性

    The Necessity and Feasibility of Making up Medical Group by the Large Enterprise Hospitals

  8. 小型职工医院用药情况分析

    Analysis of the Situation of Drugs Used in Small-scale Hospital for Workers and Staff

  9. 现代企业制度下职工医院深化改革的实践

    Reforms of Workers'Hospital under the Modern Enterprise system

  10. 从职工医院到附属医院&安徽医专附属医院建设的探讨

    From staff hospital to attached hospital & Exploration of construction of Attached Hospital of AMC

  11. 职工医院向现代化医院快速提升的思考与实践

    Thinking and Practicing of Speedily Upgrading a Workers ' Hospital to be a Modern Hospital

  12. 加快职工医院改革促进医疗事业发展

    Speed Up the Reform of Workers ' Hospital and Promote the Development of Medical Cause

  13. 某职工医院西药利用的5年动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis on the Chemical Drug Utilization over a Period of Five Years in a Staff Hospital

  14. 中华医院管理学会职工医院管理分会举办2001年全国职工医院院长及管理人员高级研修班

    Chinese Hospital Association branch for enterprise hospital s organizing the senior enterprise hospital administrators workshop towards the directors and of in China

  15. 方法回顾性分析1998~2003年舞钢职工医院98例肝硬化合并上消化道出血患者的病因。

    [ Methods ] Retrospective analysis was made on 98 cases of cirrhosis combined with hemorrhage of digestive tract ( 1998 ~ 2003 ) to find out the cause of the disease .

  16. 我得靠挖矿给他们赚钱。山西铝厂职工医院是为此次事故指定的五所当地收治医院之一。

    I had to do mining work to earn money for them , 'said a45-year-old survivor taken to the Shanxi Aluminium Plant Hospital , one of five local hospitals admitting people from the accident .

  17. 方法以我国中南地区某冶炼厂98名镉作业工人为职业接触对象,同时选取该厂职工医院未接触镉的健康医生作为对照。

    Methods Ninety-eight cadmium-exposed workers in a smeltery in the mid-south district of our country were selected as the exposed subjects while the healthy doctors in the workers hospital who were not exposed to the cadmium were treated as the control .

  18. 谈职工医院怎样向现代化医院快速提升:(1)破除等、靠、要的思想观念,为向现代化医院提升奠定思想基础。

    It is also discussing how to advance rapidly the hospital to be a modern one - that is to throw off the idea of waiting for and begging for something from leader but constructing the ideology foundation to be a modern hospital .

  19. 一名现年45岁的生还者说:我有两个女儿和一个儿子,我必须在矿上挣钱来养活他们。他被送往山西铝厂职工医院,该院共收治了35受难矿工。

    " I have two daughters and a son . I have to work in the mine to earn money for them ," said another 45-year-old survivor who was taken to the Shanxi Aluminium Plant Hospital , which admitted 35 survivors from the mine .

  20. 新职工对医院感染知识掌握情况的调查研究

    Knowledge of new employees of hospital infection

  21. 随着医疗卫生改革的日益深入,医院职工在医院中作用地位的重要性越来越突出。

    Along with the increasingly deepening medical and health reform , the role and position of hospital staff become more and more important .

  22. 方法:选择2004-01/2005-12四川攀枝花钢铁有限责任公司职工总医院烧伤科收治的需要植皮的烧伤患者35例,患者均知情同意。

    METHODS : The experiment was accomplished between January 2004 and December 2005 among 35 burnt patients who were enrolled from Department of Burn in General Staff Hospital of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Co. , Ltd.

  23. 加强对医院声誉的传播;⑤动员医院全体职工积极塑造医院的良好声誉形象。

    Shengthening the dissemination of hospital reputation and ⑤ mobilizing the entire hospital staff in creating an image of the hospital with a sound reputation .

  24. 海洋石油职工恶性肿瘤患者医院感染分析

    A analyse of nosocomial infection on the cases of malignant tumor in oil offshore staff

  25. 目前政府按职工人数给公立医院财政补贴的方法弊端很多。

    At present , the financial subsidies delivered by the government to public hospitals base on the number of employee , which reveals multiple defects .

  26. 管理层以职工为本,医院以患者为本,医疗系统以社会为本。

    Administers make decisions based on workers , hospital service for sufferers and medical treatment system working for society need as things are going common .

  27. 结论海洋石油职工恶性肿瘤患者医院感染的病原菌多为条件致病菌,对常用抗菌素耐药率高,肿瘤进展者治愈率低,预后差;

    In deep fungal infections , there is a low curative rate and a high mortality rate . Conclusions The conditioned pathogenic bacteria were the main pathogens in nosocomial infection with malignant tumors in offshore staff and most of them were resistant to ordinary antibiotics .