
  • 网络grade;job family
  1. 改善你的学习习惯,将改善你的职系。

    Improving your study habits will improve your grades .

  2. 香港政府文康市政一般职系总工会

    Hong Kong Government Municipal Services General Grades Staff Union

  3. 开设小贩及街市管理职系工作小组

    Working Group on a New Grade for Hawker and Market Administration

  4. 软件企业职系职级体系平台构建及应用研究

    PSCS Platform 's Construction and Its Applied Research in Software Companies

  5. 政府会计标准委员会第一标准薪级职系〔资历组别〕

    Governmental Accounting Standards Board Model Scale 1 grades [ qualification group ]

  6. 技术督察及相连职系&高级证书加经验〔资历组别〕

    Technical inspectorate and related grades & higher certificate plus experience [ qualification group ]

  7. 会吏总的职位副主教的职务或职位一般职系公务员总会

    The office or position of an archdeacon . General Grades Civil Servants General Union

  8. 一般职系公务员总会

    General Grades Civil Servants General Union

  9. 文职人员方面,有63名一般职系人员和42名部门职系人员获晋升。

    Within the civilian grades , 63 general grade and 42 departmental grade officers were promoted .

  10. 无须香港中学会考五科及格职系〔资历组别〕

    Grades not requiring five passes in Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination [ qualification group ]

  11. 公爵的官职、级别或头衔教育职系〔资历组别〕

    The office , rank , or title of a duke . education grades [ qualification group ]

  12. 一般职系协商委员会

    General grades consultative committee

  13. 方式他总是避免参与讨论有关职系,其实自己也通常最高。

    The way he always avoided getting involved in discussions about grades though his was usually the highest .

  14. 职系职级体系平台则包括了三部分内容:职系职级体系的划分标准、职系职级体系任职资格标准、职系职级体系定级评价标准。

    PSCS platform includes three parts : PSCS classification criterion , PSCS post qualification criterion and PSCS assessment criterion .

  15. 职系胜任能力模型的建构研究文章分为两部分:理论部分和应用研究部分。

    This article can be divided into two parts : The theory and the research on application of competency model .

  16. 他很少提出他的手,永远不会与任何人讨论职系,但每个人都知道他是顶尖的学生。

    He rarely raised his hand and never discussed grades with anyone but everyone knew he was the top student .

  17. 去年入境处已完成对入境事务主任职系进行重组,恢复招聘入境事务主任。

    Last year , the Department has completed the restructuring of the Immigration Officer grade and resumed the recruitment of Immigration Officers .

  18. 他是主持这类课程的首批科学助理职系人员之一,为其他同事树立了良好榜样。

    He is one of the first scientific assistant grade officers to hold such course , setting a good example for fellow colleagues .

  19. 透过内部跨职系调配,这项计划让本局人员有机会扩阔视野、经验和知识;

    Through cross-grade postings within EDB , this scheme presents the opportunity for EDB officers to widen their vision , experience and knowledge ;

  20. 此外,也负责驻部门新闻组的新闻职系人员的管理事宜,并确保有效调配和善用人手。

    It has responsibility for the overall management of information grade officers in the units and ensures effective deployment and utilisation of staff resources .

  21. 管理贵宾车司机、特级司机及汽车司机职系,包括各职系人员在职时之行为和纪律、员工关系及训练;

    Administer the chauffeur , special driver and motor driver grades from entry to exit , including conduct and discipline , staff relations and training ;

  22. 在一些学校,他们没有取消的职系,他们会给你足够的时间得到你想要得到正确的答案。

    In some schools they have abolished failing grades ; they 'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer .

  23. 借助岗位分析、岗位描述以及岗位评估等手段,可以形成企业全部岗位的层级体系、岗位职系职级体系。

    With job analysis , job description and job evaluation methods , the formation of enterprise-level system , all the posts , post grades rank system .

  24. 紧接着,将这套带有共性的可操作化的测评系统应用于某具体企业特定职系的研究中,便形成了一套个性化的针对特定职系的结构化面试题本、评分要点和评分表格。

    Then , applying this operating system to specific enterprises and specific job in order to create a set of specific structured interview questions , score standards and score forms .

  25. 为配合精益求精的目标,警队在年内为警察通讯员职系推行新的工作表现管理系统,以关键才能的概念为基础实施管理。

    A new performance management system based on the core-competence concept was launched for the Police Communications Officer Grade in1997 , in keeping with the Force 's strive for excellence .

  26. 一般情况下,上述两个职系使用与精密研磨滚珠丝杠,同时预装的方法除了有领先的错误定义和几何宽容一些差异。

    In general , both grades use the same preload method as precision ground ballscrews , except that there are some differences in the lead error definition and geometry tolerance .

  27. 一九九九年五月,法定语文事务署完成了一项耗资9100万元的三年计划,为行政、秘书和文书职系购置电脑和安排中文文字处理训练。

    In may , the agency completed a three-year project , expending $ 91 million to equip executive , secretarial and clerical grades with computers and training in Chinese word processing .

  28. 年龄可能是一个相关因素,但需要作更多的本地研究调查方可定论,其他如学历、职系和婚姻状况因素也需要更深入探讨。

    Age might be a possible contributing factor , but more local studies would be required to confirm . Other factors such as education , occupation and marital status would also require further investigation .