
zhí quán
  • function and power;powers of office;authority of office;authority
职权 [zhí quán]
  • [powers of office;authority of office] 务职的权限

  • 职权很大

职权[zhí quán]
  1. 中国检察机关在民事诉讼中的职权是抗诉权。

    The function and power in civil lawsuit is right to protest against court sentence for Chins'procuratorial institution .

  2. 国务院有依照法律规定行使任命行政人员的职权。修道院院长的管区或职权范围。

    The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law .

  3. 这样的决定超出了委员会的职权范围。

    Such decisions are outside the remit of this committee .

  4. 警察的职权必须明确界定。

    The powers of the police must be clearly defined .

  5. 她的所作所为是滥用经理职权。

    What she did was an abuse of her position as manager .

  6. 新宪法重新规定了总统的职权。

    The new constitution redefined the powers of the president .

  7. 她滥用自己作为校长的职权,把工作安排给朋友们。

    She abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends .

  8. 那个问题不在工作组的职权范围之内。

    That issue is not within the remit of the working group

  9. 她本想有一份报酬更高、职权更大的工作。

    She would have loved to have a better-paying job with more responsibility

  10. 苏格兰职权最大的政府部门是苏格兰事务部。

    The most powerful organ of government in Scotland is the Scottish Office .

  11. 不管当官儿的职权有多大,都不要被他们吓倒。

    Don 't be overawed by people in authority , however important they are

  12. 他需要动用所有的职权防止那些胆小的志愿兵逃跑。

    He would need all his authority to keep the weak-kneed volunteers from bolting .

  13. 政府已经公布了拟议成立的调查委员会的职权范围。

    The government has announced the terms of reference for its proposed committee of inquiry .

  14. 在竞选活动的关键时刻,白宫的主人利用职权帮助自己摆脱了麻烦。

    Occupants of the White House have exploited their office at key moments in an election campaign to dig themselves out of trouble

  15. 职权的大小依次为芝加哥总部、区域主管、某国主管,最后是当地办事处的任事股东。

    The line of command went from head office in Chicago to a regional boss and then down to a country boss and finally to a local-office managing-partner .

  16. 不允许把职权变成特权。

    It is not allowed to use one 's power to seek privileges .

  17. 市长履行其职责,行使其职权。

    The mayor exercises the duties and powers of his office .

  18. 你知道,这是我职权范围内的事。

    This is , you know , my ball park .

  19. 毕竟他是该部门的主任,而我们又不可能建议削减他的职权。

    After all , he 's a department head , and we ought to avoid any suggestion of undermining his authority .

  20. 他常用手中的职权凌轹下属

    He often misuses his authority to tyrannize his underlings .

  21. 第四十条审计机关审定审计报告,对审计事项作出评价,出具审计意见书;对违反国家规定的财政收支、财务收支行为,需要依法给予处理、处罚的,在法定职权范围内作出审计决定或者向有关主管机关提出处理、处罚意见。

    Article 40 Audit institutions shall , after examining the audit reports , give evaluations or punishment to the competent authorities .

  22. 此前韩国已经宣布相关计划,近乎将16种主要食品的供应量翻倍,并扩大了韩国公平交易委员会(fairtradecommission)的职权范围以打击价格操纵。

    The measures complement earlier plans almost to double the supply of 16 food staples and expand the remit of the Fair Trade Commission to combat price fixing .

  23. 从现在起,Facebook每两年将接受一次隐私审计,而且将公司首席隐私官的职权分裂成两个职位。

    Facebook will now submit to privacy audits every two years and has also split the role of Chief Privacy Officer into two positions .

  24. 他可能会掌管一个职能部门,比如产品或工程,或者,他拥有更广泛的运营职权,挂着COO头衔。

    He may run a function , such as product or engineering , or they have a broader operational role and carry a coo title .

  25. 职权与职责的分配是组织设计、职务描述(Jobdescription)的基本内容,但目前缺乏必要的理论指导。

    Distribution of power and responsibility is the fundamental content of designing organization and job description .

  26. 通过法律赋予环境NGO法律地位和职权以及公民环境权,建立环境民事公益诉讼制度,充分调动社会公众的力量执行环境法律法规政策。

    Given the environmental NGOs legal status and the authority and civil environmental right by the law , establishing the environmental public interest litigation system to encourage the public to supervise implementation of environmental laws .

  27. 公司监事会的职权研究

    Research on the Power of a Company 's Board of Supervisors

  28. 超越职权与滥用职权的区分探析

    The analysis of difference between a buses and overstepping of authority

  29. 超越职权、滥用职权。

    Surmount the functions and powers , abuse one 's power .

  30. 组织设计中职权和职责分析组织机构和职责

    Distribution of Power and Responsibility in Designing Organization Structure and Responsibility