
  • 网络Professional Women
  1. 西安地区职业女装市场调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of female career costume market in Xi'an

  2. 职业女装市场准入分析女性的职业

    Analysis on the preparation for entering the market of professional ladies ' wear

  3. 谈职业女装设计

    Study on the Work Women 's Clothing Designing

  4. 浅析村级水泥路面工程的质量控制要点职业女装设计之我见

    Brief Analysis of the Key Points of Quality Control at Village - Village Cement Road Construction

  5. 从你现在的穿着看,我猜你应该是负责夏季职业女装的销售。

    From what you wear now , I assume you will be selling professional clothes for office ladies this summer .

  6. 因为职业女装的设计、生产以至经营方式及消费模式,都会带来新的研究课题。

    Therefore the design , manufacture , operation pattern and consumption mode of the women 's professional fashion will bring new tasks .

  7. 职业女装设计则要运用从物质到精神元素,兼顾艺术+技术+经济进行综合思考。

    The design of the Women 's professional fashion needs to utilize both physical and spiritual elements and to consider comprehensively in terms of arts , technology and economy .

  8. 通过市场调研,从消费者的心理、社会背景、所需服装的发展走势等方面,分析西安地区职业女装市场的现状及存在问题。

    The present situation and problems of female career costume in Xi'an area were analysed from consumption psychology , social background , developing trend of female costume and so on .

  9. 职业女装是中国实行改革开放政策后造就的新兴服装产业,引起了社会及服装企业高度的重视。

    The Women 's professional fashion is a newly-developed industry as a result of the China 's reform and opening-up policy , which has attracted great attention from clothing enterprises .