
tiě niáng zi
  • iron lady
铁娘子[tiě niáng zi]
  1. 大家都称她为“铁娘子”。

    She was known as the ‘ Iron Lady ’ .

  2. 她喜爱这个昵称——“铁娘子”。

    She delighted in the nickname , the ' iron lady ' .

  3. 她真正是个铁娘子。

    She really is a tough cookie .

  4. 现在她再次回到电影院,开始研究英国历史上的另一位标志性的人物:撒切尔夫人,梅丽尔•斯特里普在最近上映的电影《铁娘子》(IronLady)中饰了这个角色。

    She 's back in the movie theater studying another icon of British history : Margaret Thatcher , portrayed by Meryl Streep in Iron Lady .

  5. 说撒切尔夫人(MargaretThatcher)在英国是有名的铁娘子,但中国国有媒体周二报道说,她曾经在中国遇到过对手。

    Margaret Thatcher may have been Britain 's ' Iron Lady , ' but in China , state-run media said Tuesday , she met her match .

  6. 这并非因为我认为撒切尔能为英国或美国当前的危机提供完美的解决方案(虽然茶党宠儿、前共和党总统候选人、政客米歇尔巴赫曼(MicheleBachmann)近来在宣传广告中把自己比作铁娘子)。

    That is not because I necessarily consider Thatcher to be the perfect solution to the current woes in Britain or America ( never mind that politician Michele Bachmann , the Tea Party darling and former Republican presidential candidate , recently aired commercials likening herself to the Iron Lady ) .

  7. 这是铁娘子,能让人产生灵感。他说。

    It 's iron lady , it inspires us , he says .

  8. 做铁娘子没什么不好斯宾塞

    There 's nothing wrong with being an Iron Lady , Spencer .

  9. 德国铁娘子默克尔

    Angela Merkel : The " Iron Lady " of Germany

  10. 在19世纪70年代,她被敌人们称为铁娘子。

    The Iron Lady @ her enemies nicknamed her during the 1970s .

  11. 大不列颠需要铁娘子。

    What Britain needs is an iron lady .

  12. 这也许是铁娘子着装第二大重要贡献。

    This may be the other most significant sartorial contribution of The Iron Lady .

  13. 玛格丽特·撒切尔被人们誉为铁娘子,于1979年到1990年间执政英国。

    Known as the Iron Lady , Margaret Thatcher governed Britain from 1979 to 1990 .

  14. 紧随其后的,是开创了护理事业的英国护士南丁格尔,有“铁娘子”之称的英国前首相撒切尔夫人位居第三。

    British nurse Florence Nightingale came second and former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was third .

  15. 那么是谁扮演了铁娘子呢?

    So who played the Iron Lady ?

  16. 撒切尔因为其个人及政治的韧性有时被称为铁娘子。

    Thatcher was sometime known as the Iron Lady because of her personal and political toughness .

  17. 已卸任和在任的政治家们共同悼念有“铁娘子”绰号的撒切尔。

    Statesmen past and present shared their memories of the woman dubbed the " Iron Lady . "

  18. 就连有“铁娘子”之称的撒切尔夫人也曾接受过朗诵课程,使自己的声音不那么尖锐。

    And " Iron Lady " Margaret Thatcher had elocution lessons to make her voice less shrill .

  19. 摘自1976年1月19日的一篇演讲,正是该演讲为她引来了铁娘子的称号。

    From the speech that led to her being dubbed The Iron Lady , Jan. 19 , 1976 .

  20. 到1988年,“铁娘子”已迎接来自五大洲的游客1.23亿人次。

    By1988 , the " Iron Lady " has greeted visitors from five continents , 123 million people .

  21. 梅丽尔•斯特里普在《铁娘子》中向我们展示了撒切尔夫人努力工作,最终成为英国首相的历程。

    In Iron Lady , Meryl Streep shows us how hard Margaret Thatcher worked to become prime minister of England .

  22. 一些媒体报道授予她“铁娘子”的称号,讽刺漫画家将奥朗德画成了“妻管严”,被瓦莱丽管得死死的。

    Some media outlets have dubbed her the " Iron Lady , " and caricaturists have portrayed Hollande as under her thumb .

  23. 英国前首相“铁娘子”撒切尔夫人于当地时间周一逝世,中国媒体发表了专题报道。

    Following Margaret Thatcher 's death on Monday , Chinese media have published special reports on the Iron Lady of British politics .

  24. 巴茨加盟雅虎,标志着这位IT业界“铁娘子”职业生涯的又一次突破。

    Carol Bartz 's joining in Yahoo indicates another breakthrough of her career life as an " iron petticoat " in IT industry .

  25. 现年61岁的斯特里普将主演电影《铁娘子》。该片以追忆1982年的马岛战争始末为主题。

    The61-year-old2-time Oscar winner will star in The Iron Lady , a film that recalls the days leading up to the1982 Falklands War .

  26. 她因对上世纪80年代英国罢工所采取的严厉、强硬的态度而得到“铁娘子”的绰号。

    She earned the nickname of the ' Iron Lady ' for her stern , intractable positions during strikes inBritain in the 1980 's.

  27. 中国最大的微博网站新浪微博上,充溢着网友对外交部铁娘子的赞扬之辞。

    China 's top micro-blogging site , Sina Weibo , was flooded with favorable reactions to the so-called iron lady of the Foreign Ministry .

  28. 或许是偶然地,铁娘子躺在了狮心王理查德铜像的庇荫下。

    Here , maybe only by chance , the Iron Lady lay briefly in the shadow of a bronze statue of Richard the Lionheart .

  29. 铁娘子有一次略带恶意地宣称:“经济学是一种方法,其目的是改变灵魂。”

    The iron lady once proclaimed , slightly sinisterly : " economics is the method . The object is to change the soul . "

  30. 尽管存在这些瑕疵,《铁娘子》在纽约上映时仍场场爆满,哪怕美国其他地方还都没有上映。

    Notwithstanding these flaws , The Iron Lady has played to packed cinemas in New York , even before it opens elsewhere in the US .