
  • 网络Army Cavalry;ironside
  1. 铁骑军丝毫没有成功,由于他们并没有突破中部防线。

    The cuirassiers had not succeeded , since the centre was not broken through .

  2. 他著名的铁骑军和新模范军击败了国王。

    His famous " Ironside " cavalry and New Model Army defeated the king .

  3. 那是铁骑军的一个军官,并且是一个等级颇高的军官,一条很宽的金肩章从铁甲里露出来,那军官已经丢了铁盔。

    He was a cuirassier , an officer , and even an officer of considerable rank ; a large gold epaulette peeped from beneath the cuirass ; this officer no longer possessed a helmet .