
xiāng shēn
  • squire;country gentleman
乡绅 [xiāng shēn]
  • [country gentleman;squire] 乡里的官吏或读书人

乡绅[xiāng shēn]
  1. 我想他认为自己是一名乡绅,在伯明翰就如离水之鱼一般浑身不自在。

    I think he thought of himself as a country gentleman and was like a fish out of water in Birmingham .

  2. 士绅、乡绅与地方精英&关于精英群体研究的回顾

    Gentry , Country Gentleman and Local Elite & Review on the studies about the Elite level

  3. 他们大多是贵族和地主乡绅。

    Most of them were the nobility and the landed gentry .

  4. 这整个地方就是那位家长式乡绅的浪漫想象。

    The whole place was the romantic vision of the paternalist local squire .

  5. 乡间的大部分房子都是那些有土地的乡绅在19世纪后期修建的。

    Most of the country estates were built by the landed gentry during the late 19th century .

  6. 这也和那些假乡绅一样,多少成了一种姿态。

    As with the bogus country gentlemen , it was becoming a little of an act .

  7. 我们到酒店时,乡绅和李甫西大夫已经到了,

    When we got to the inn , the squire and Dr Livesey were there .

  8. 我和你一起去找乡绅,告诉他发生了什么事,他说。

    I 'll come with you to tell Mr Trelawney what 's happened , he said .

  9. 然后像猴子一样敏捷地爬上围栏。乡绅和葛雷向他们射击,

    They climbed over the fence like monkeys while the squire and Gray fired at them .

  10. 午饭后,乡绅和大夫在船长身边坐下来商讨军情。

    After dinner , the squire and the doctor sat by the captain 's side and talked .

  11. 乔伊斯躺在地上死去了,他头上中了弹,乡绅则搀着受伤的船长。

    Joyce lay dead , shot through the head ; and the squire1 was half-carrying the wounded captain .

  12. 也许,先生,您不喜欢这条船?乡绅不高兴地问道。

    Perhaps , sir , you don 't like the ship ? said the squire , an - grily .

  13. 乡绅屈利劳尼、李甫西大夫和其他几位绅士让我把金银岛的故事从头至尾写下来。

    Squire Trelawney , Dr3 Livesey , and the others have asked me to write down all I know about Treasure Island .

  14. 屈利劳尼,大夫说,我认为你物色到了两个正直的人—船长和约翰·西尔弗。西尔弗,没错,乡绅说。

    Trelawney , said the doctor , I believe you have managed to get two honest men on board-that man , and John Silver .

  15. 是的,孩子,他说,我叫西尔弗。你是谁?他看着乡绅的字条,然后叫起来:

    Yes , my boy , he said . That 's my name . And who are you ? And then he saw the squire 's letter and looked surprised .

  16. Joan很快和RalphdeMonthermer坠入爱河并秘密结婚。Ralph是Joan已故丈夫家族中的一个乡绅。

    Joan soon fell in love with and secretly married Ralph de Monthermer , a squire in the household of her late husband .

  17. 一般认为,这个概念是英格兰经济学家大卫李嘉图(davidricardo)提出的,但其实苏格兰乡绅兼学者詹姆斯安德森(jamesanderson)比他早50年便提出了这个概念。

    The concept is generally attributed to the English economist David Ricardo , but the idea was set out 50 years earlier by a Scottish gentleman farmer and scholar , James Anderson .

  18. 士绅,也称乡绅,是明清时期出现的主要用语,它指居乡功名者和致仕官员。

    Squire is a main terminology in Ming and Qing dynasties .

  19. 明天我就去布里斯托尔,乡绅说。

    ' Tomorrow I start for Bristol ,' said Squire Trelawney .

  20. 我这是第一次隔着这么近打量乡绅。

    I had never seen the squire so near at hand .

  21. 克里斯琴出身于历史悠久的英国乡绅家庭。

    Christian came from a long line of English country gentlemen .

  22. 乡绅嚷了起来,难道你刚才没有听丹斯说吗?

    Cried the squire . ' Have you heard the story ?

  23. 像德文郡的许多乡村一样,我们没有真正的乡绅。

    Like many Devon villages , we had no real squire .

  24. 明代乡绅心态剖析

    The Analysis of the Mentality of Squires in Ming Dynasty

  25. 近代苏州碑刻中的乡绅自治与宗族保障

    Gentry Autonomy and Lineage Security in Modern Suzhou 's Tablets

  26. 我不需要你道谢!乡绅喊道。

    ' I don 't want your thanks !' cried the squire .

  27. 贪污能团结一些当地的乡绅,在一段时间内还能赢得投票。

    Corruption cemented local baronies and for a good while won votes .

  28. 这位乡绅出售大片土地的事宜由他的律师处理。

    Solicitors for the squire handled the sale of his extensive lands .

  29. 乡绅与乡村权力结构的演变&20世纪三、四十年代闽中乡村权力的重构

    On the Evolution of Power Structure in the Villages of Central Fujian

  30. 我告诉他乡绅是世界上最宽宏大量的人。

    I told him the squire was the most liberal of men .