
  • 网络rural industrialization
  1. 费孝通论民国乡村工业化的必要性及启示

    Fei Xiaotong 's View on the Necessity of Rural Industrialization in the Republic of China and Its Enlightenment

  2. 人口流动作为乡村工业化、人口城市化进程中的必然现象,一直是经济学研究的一个重要课题。

    Migration , as a result of the rural industrialization and the population urbanization , is the key project in the economic study field .

  3. 大力发展城镇企业,走乡村工业化之路;

    Expand rural enterprise and promote the industrialization of rural areas ;

  4. 对中国乡村工业化问题的探讨

    Exploration on Problem of China 's Rural Industrialisation

  5. 乡村工业化对中国乡村城市转型的影响

    New rural spaces : the impact of rural industrialization on rural urban transition in China

  6. 乡村工业化地区土地利用变化及驱动力分析&以福建省晋江市为例

    An Analysis on Land Use Change and Driving Forces in Rural Industrialized Areas & A Case Study of Jinjiang City , Fujian

  7. 这种离土不离乡式的非城镇化的乡村工业化之所以形成并长期存在,是有着深刻的社会和经济根源的。

    This pattern of " departing farming without leaving native land " of non-urbanization rural industrialization was formed and long exists deeply in its social and economic origins .

  8. 政界和商界领袖说,建厂可以实现乡村工业化,并带来就业机会。这里现在有上百万的人处于失业或者不完全就业状态。

    Officials and businessmen argue that the factories will industrialize the countryside and provide much-needed jobs in rural areas , where millions of people are unemployed or underemployed .

  9. 沔城商贸经济和乡村工业化的发展,以及打工经济、旅游经济的出现,构成了当地回族社会生活变迁加剧的主要因素。

    With the development of commercial economy and village industrialization , and the appearance of tourism economy and part-time economy , the social life has also undergone radical change .

  10. 勃兴于20世纪最后20年的温州乡村工业化运动在改变了温州经济状况的过程中,没能自然地完成社会文化转型。

    The rural industrialization which rose in Wenzhou in the last 20 years of 20th century has changed Wenzhou 's economic condition , but it has not brought any change to the social culture .

  11. 政策体制转变和侨乡因素推动的乡村工业化、城镇化是引起晋江市土地利用大规模变化的根本驱动力。

    The booming of rural industrialization and urbanization under the influences of economic system and policy transformation and the city 's status as one of overseas Chinese hometowns was key driving forces of the massive land use change .

  12. 当前,随着经济体制的改革、政策的变动、乡村工业化和城镇化等因素引起小城镇社会结构的变迁,出现了新的社会问题,如传统社区被肢解;

    Currently , the factors of market-economic transition , policy change , industrialization and urbanization have promoted the transition of social structure of small towns and lead to appear the new social problems , just as the traditional community destroyed ;

  13. 本文研究认为,20世纪70年代末至90年代中期苏南乡村工业化对苏南传统乡村地域性质与结构进行了改造,基本实现了苏南乡村经济与人口非农化的转型,促进了小城镇的复兴与繁荣。

    From late in 1970s to the middle of 1990s , South Jiangsu rural industrialization restructures its traditional rural regional structure and basically achieves non-agricultural transformation of rural economy and population and promotes revival and prosperity of the small towns .

  14. 是从根本上解决农业发展、乡村工业化和农村剩余劳动力就业问题的关键所在,是将农村庞大的人口压力转化为人力资源优势的重要途径。

    It is also an extremely important way to fundamentally solve the problem of agricultural development , rural industrialization and the rural surplus labor employment , as well as of how to turn the severe rural population pressure into human resource .

  15. 论近代中国乡村半工业化的兴衰&以华北乡村手工织布业为例

    On the Rising and Declining of Village 's Semi-industrialization of Modern China

  16. 小说中古老美丽的英国乡村在工业化的巨轮下面目全非,而玛姬则遭受来自父亲,兄长,爱人以及周围被父权社会同化的女性群体的压制与约束。

    The beautiful old British countryside is distorted beyond recognition under the strong influence of industrialization while Maggie suffers from the restriction and the oppression of her father , brother , lovers and those women who are assimilated by the patriarchal society .

  17. 乡村旅游是工业化、城市化、现代化的伴生物。

    Rural tourism is a Companion of industrialization , urbanization , and modernization .

  18. 城乡结合部农地流转是乡村城市化和工业化进程中一种普遍的社会经济现象。

    The farmland conversion in the rural-urban is a kind of general social economic phenomenon in the rural urbanization and industrialized process .

  19. 在我国乡村城市化和工业化过程中,已出现严峻的农地流转问题:优质农地流失,环境恶化,农地粗放利用,内部流转不畅,现存农地生产力下降等。

    On the course of rural urbanization and industrialization of our country , many problems of farmland conversion appear : high - quality farmland loss , the environment worsens , the farmland is utilized extensively , inside farmland conversion is difficult , extant farmland productivity drops etc.

  20. “乡村工业社区”是机器大工业在英国乡村地区发展的载体,也是乡村工业化发展和农村城市化的初级形态。

    As the cartier of development of machine industry in rural areas UK ," Rural Industrial Community " is primary form of rural industrialization and urbanization .