
  1. 农村土地城市化流转过程中的政府失范行为研究

    A Study on Government Anomie Behavior in Farmland Transferring during Urbanization

  2. 土地城市化的环境效应

    Environmental Utility of Land Urbanization

  3. 正如米勒所指出的那样,土地城市化的速度远远超过了人口的城市化。

    As Miller points out , the urbanisation of land has far outpaced the urbanisation of people .

  4. 中国长江三角洲地区城市化与城市群发展特征研究征地区片综合地价与土地城市化的空间耦合分析&以北京市为例

    Features of Urbanization and Urban Agglomeration in Yangtze River Delta ; A Spatial Coupling Analysis of Integrated Land Section Price and Land Urbanization : A Case Study of Beijing

  5. 本文首先基于我国人口城市化落后于土地城市化的背景,讨论在农村集体土地征收过程中,现有土地征收补偿制度的功能和缺陷。

    This article is based on the background of that population urbanization lags behind of the land urbanization in our country , discussed in the process of rural collective land requisition , function and defects of the existing land expropriation compensation system .

  6. 新疆城市化是以土地城市化为主要特征,其次是社会城市化和经济城市化,最后是人口城市化进程中的城镇人口比重指标所占权重较小,对城市化进程的影响很弱。

    Urbanization is the main features of the land into the city , followed by the social and economic city of urbanization and , finally , the process of urbanization in the proportion of urban population less the weight of indicators , the impact of urbanization on the weak .

  7. 与土地的城市化相比,人口的城市化相对落后。

    Compared with the urbanization of land , the urbanization of the population is relatively backward .

  8. 城市土地是城市化进程中一个非常重要的因素,也是城市经济运行的载体。

    Urban land is an important factor for urbanization and it is also the carrier of economy .

  9. 对此的反应认为,这是保护英格兰绿色、宜人的土地免遭城市化破坏的办法。

    The response is that this is how one preserves England 's green and pleasant land from the blight of urbanisation .

  10. 土地作为城市化的载体,在城市化进程中扮演着极其重要的角色,城市人口的集聚、基础设施的建设和产业结构的调整都会涉及到土地资源的重新配置。

    As a carrier of urbanization , land plays a very important role in the urbanization process . Accumulation of the urban population , infrastructure construction and industrial restructuring will involve the re-allocation of land resources .

  11. 商洛市土地利用与城市化发展动态研究

    Dynamic Study on Land Utilization and Urbanization Development in Shangluo

  12. 城市边缘区土地利用与城市化空间过程&以上海市西南地区为例

    Land Use and Urbanization Process in Urban Fringe & A Case Study in Southwest of Shanghai

  13. 随着城市化过程的深入和市场经济的快速发展,集体土地资源作为城市化过程中最重要的生产资料,需要进行市场化配置的呼声越来越高。

    Along with urbanizing and marketing-economy deeply , the voice of bring the collective land resources which are most important production data in the process of the urbanization into the market is becoming more and more high .

  14. 宅基地使用权流转是打破城乡二元体制、缩小城乡差距的必然要求,也是农民利用土地权利参与城市化的合理诉求。

    To break the dual urban-rural structure , and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas , transferring house site has become an key element , with which farmers can use to participate in the urbanization .

  15. 城市化是一个城市地域空间不断扩展的过程,它的快速发展为农村转移的人口提供就业机会,从农村居民点用地置换出的土地指标为城市化发展提供有利的建设用地保障。

    Urbanization is a process of expansion of urban regional space , its fast development can provide employment opportunity for people who transfer from rural area , and it also can offer land of permuted from rural to the urbanization .

  16. 最后研究土地政策与城市化的关系,力求探讨利用土地政策如何使得城市化实现其可控性,既城市化背景下,应当具备怎样的土地政策,才能使得城市化相健康发展。

    Finally , land policy and the relationship between cities , seeks to explore the use of the land policy of how to make city achieve its controllability , both urban background , How should have a land policy and land to the Town of coherence .

  17. 土地资源短缺是城市化过程的一种必然现象,消除土地资源瓶颈约束,是提高城市化水平的必要条件。

    The shortage of land resources is an unavoidable problem in urbanization .

  18. 土地制度是影响城市化进程的关键性因素。

    Land institution is the key influence factor of process of urbanization .

  19. 许培武来自广州,他多年来风雨无阻地用镜头记录着身边的这一片土地上急促的城市化过程。

    Xu peiwu , from guangzhou , he has been capturing rapid urbanization process of the city around .

  20. 试图从土地的角度回答城市化的本质到底是什么。

    From the land to the point of the urbanization to answer in the end is what the essence .

  21. 中国自古以来一直是一个农业大国,耕地是最重要的自然资源,随着土地荒漠化以及城市化、工业化的进程日益加快,耕地数量锐减。

    China has long been a big agricultural country , land is the most important natural resources . But with the desertification , urbanization and industrialization have accelerated greatly , amount of cultivated land has been dropped .

  22. 我国人多地少,耕地资源严重不足,节约土地成为我国城市化的必然选择。

    There are large population and little land in China , so the cultivated land resources are in great shortage . It is such a serious contradiction that land saving becomes a necessary choice in our urbanization .

  23. 因此,政府必须制定适宜的城市化发展速度及合适的城市化目标,采取相应的土地制约下的城市化发展对策,推进城市化健康稳定发展。

    Accordingly , the government should blueprint an appropriate development rate and a proper development goal of urbanization , take corresponding measures in urbanization under certain unfavorable conditions of land shortage and achieve a sound and steady development of urbanization .

  24. 解决农民工问题,首先要维护农民工合法权益,提高农民工政治地位,从农村土地制度改革和城市化中找到一条农民工市民化的合理路径。

    Solve the problem of migrant workers , first of all to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers , and improve the political status of migrant workers to find a reasonable path of a people of migrant workers from the rural land reform and urbanization .

  25. 投入产出分析再次证明了城市化进程中土地利用管理的基本特征,体现了中国农村土地利用在城市化进程中的制度困境。

    Input-output analysis has proved the basic characteristics of the land use management , demonstrating the difficulties in urbanization process of rural land utilization in China . 8 .