
  • 网络Land quality;soil quality
  1. GIS技术在土地质量评价中的应用&以苏州市水田为例

    Evaluation of land quality based on gis & a case study on paddy field in Suzhou

  2. 基于PSR框架,针对土壤侵蚀小流域的土地质量评价

    Land quality indictors based on Press-State-Response framework at catchment for soil degradation by water erosion

  3. 基于GIS的城市土地质量评价方法研究&以重庆市北部新区为例

    GIS-based Methods to Land Qualities Evaluation

  4. b.土地质量模糊综合评判模型。

    B. synthesis judging model of soil quality by illegibility theory .

  5. DEM在土地质量评价分析中的应用

    Application of DEM in Land Assessment and Analysis

  6. 以“数字流域”为平台,采用SPSS统计软件,利用主成分分析和聚类分析方法进行了流域土地质量等级评价。

    Supported by the theory of digital watershed , statistic software SPSS was used to assess the land quality by the methods of principal component and clustering analysis .

  7. 有指示因素-判断标准-临界值评定监测体系、土地质量指标计划PSR框架评价、生态系统方法评价等。

    There has indicators-criteria-thresholds assessment monitor system ; there has land quality programme-PSR frame assessment and there has ecosystem approach assessment and so on .

  8. 基于“压力-状态-响应(Press-State-Response,PSR)”模式的土地质量指标体系是国际土地科学研究的热点问题。

    Land quality indicators based on " press-state-response ( PSR )" framework is one of the present hot-spots in land science .

  9. 土地质量研究是全球变化研究的前沿与热点,是土地利用/土地覆被变化(LUCC)研究的重要内容。

    Being the core and frontier issue in the global environmental change and land use / cover change ( LUCC ), studies on land quality have gained increasing attention .

  10. 介绍了基于PSR框架的土地质量指标体系的来源、基本概念、评价框架和研究计划。

    This paper introduced the origin , concept , research plan and evaluation framework for land quality based on PSR framework , and it also summarized the new progresses in the field of international land quality indicators research .

  11. 吉林延边苹果梨主产区土地质量地球化学评价

    Geochemical Evaluation of Land Quality in Yanbian Apple-pear Main Production Areas

  12. 数量化理论Ⅲ在土地质量综合评价中的应用

    Application of Quantification Theory 1 to Comprehensive Evaluation of Land Quality

  13. 修正加权汉明距离在土地质量分级中的应用

    Application of Correction Weighted Hamming Distance in Classification of Land Quality

  14. 土地质量地球化学分等定级方法技术探讨

    Research for the technology of Land quality rate classification by geochemical

  15. 城市土地质量评估方法研究

    Study on the Evaluation Method of the Land Quality in Cities

  16. 土地质量的空间变异与尺度效应研究进展

    Review on Spatial Variability and Scale Effects of Land Quality

  17. 中部生态建设区,要完善水利设施,提高土地质量;

    Perfecting irrigation facilities and improving land quality in the Middle Zone ;

  18. 六安地区土地质量评价研究

    Research on land quality evaluating in lu ′ an Prefecture

  19. 基于中观尺度的产量&土地质量指数方法初探

    A preliminary study of land quality indicators in local scale

  20. 针对当前城镇土地质量评价工作存在的缺陷和不足,寻找更加先进合理的评价方法势在必行。

    Finding more advanced and rational land quality evaluation method is imperative .

  21. 湖南洞庭湖地区土地质量地球化学评估

    Land Quality Geochemical Assessment in the Dongting Lake Region of Hunan Province

  22. 土地质量数据在土地统计中的应用

    Application of the Data of Land Quality in Land Satistics

  23. 武汉市土地质量评价研究

    Study on Evaluation of Wuhan city 's land quality

  24. 矿区开采沉陷农用土地质量空间变化研究

    Change of Agricultural Land Quality due to Mining Subsidence

  25. 基于压力-状态-响应框架的县级土地质量评价指标研究

    Land Quality Evaluation Indicators at County Scale Based on " Press-State-Response " Framework

  26. 关于农用土地质量评价问题的研究

    Study on the Problem of Agricultural Land Quality Evaluation

  27. 在灌溉中水质是保证粮食和土地质量的非常关键的问题。

    Water quality is the key to guarantee quality of grain and soil .

  28. 基准地价评估中地价与土地质量指数的数学模型研究

    The Math Model 's Study on the Connection between Land Price and Land Quality

  29. 土地质量高光谱遥感监测方法研究

    The Study of Applying Hyper - spectral Remote Sensing Technology in Land Quality Monitoring

  30. 采用层次分析法确定样区土地质量影响因素和因子;

    First , the factors affecting agricultural land quality are decided by AHP methods .