
  • 网络Alternative Agriculture;alternative farming
  1. 国外替代农业的产生与现状分析

    Analysis on the emerge and current situation of external alternative agriculture

  2. 世界替代农业及其发展趋势

    Alternative Agriculture in the World and its Development Trend

  3. 当然,对于替代农业工人尚存在一些担忧。

    Of course , some worry lies in replacing agricultural workers .

  4. WTO后时代的新选择:农业支持替代农业保护

    Agricultural Support instead of Protection : A New Option in the Post-WTO Era

  5. 当把作物产量、品质和土壤性质等因素作为重点时,SEQ和特别栽培也可作为替代农业。

    Systems like SEQ and Special farming could be taken as alternatives when all benefits including yield and quality of vegetables and soil properties , were emphasized .

  6. 替代农业研究综述

    Research of Alternative Agriculture

  7. 工业革命、信息技术革命大大地推动了农业生产和农业科学的发展。现代工业、现代信息技术不能替代农业和农业科学。

    Technological innovation of industry and information significantly propels the agricultural production and agricultural sciences , while the modern industry and informational technology can not replace agriculture and agricultural sciences .

  8. 为解决现代石油农业带来的资源危机和环境危机,各国提出多种替代农业模式,探索新的农业发展途径。

    Because modem petroleum agriculture have resulted in much environmental problems , many countries began to explore new approach of agriculture development and put forward many kinds of alternative agriculture .

  9. 缺水地区农业灌溉用水替代与农业发展&以京津唐地区为例

    Irrigation Alternatives and Agriculture Development in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Regions

  10. 种子作为特殊的和不可替代的农业生产资料,是传播农业科学技术的载体,是农业生产可持续发展的重要因素。

    As the specific and irreplaceable agricultural means of production , seed is the carrier of the agricultural science and technology , and is the important factor to sustainable development of agricultural production .

  11. 在水源地保护区域,制定限定性农业生产技术标准,以生态农业和有机农业替代粗放农业生产方式;减少农田以及农村地区的氮、磷径流和淋溶,将是一条可行的污染控制途径。

    Decreasing runoff and leaching of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from farmland and rural area must be a feasible way for pollution control by making limit agricultural production technology standard and organic production mode instead of extensive production mode during the water source protection area .

  12. 农业资源多维增量路径的实际运行机制,包括农业资源多功能替代机制、农业资源密集化机制、农业资源拓殖机制、农业资源外域输入机制四大方面。

    The actual operational mechanism of multidimensional incremental route of agrarian route includes multifunctional replacement mechanism of agrarian resources , intensive mechanism of agrarian resources , establishing mechanism of agrarian resources and foreign input mechanism of agrarian resources .

  13. 耕地是土地的精华,是人类生存不可替代的最基础农业生产资料。

    The essence of cultivated land is irreplaceable , and is the most basic material agricultural production of human survival .

  14. 金融对实体经济发展具有不可替代的作用,农业产业化发展离不开金融支持。

    Finance has an irreplaceable role to the real economy , the development of agricultural industrialization could not do without financial support .

  15. 农业发展过程中,农业部门的结构变动和农业生产中投入要素的替代是化学品使用增加的原因之一,但结构变动和要素替代是传统农业向现代农业转变过程中所表现出的主要特征之一。

    During the process of agricultural development , structural change of agricultural sector and inputs replacement in agricultural production are reasons of increasing use of chemical inputs . However , structural change and input replacement are exactly the main characteristics of involving process of traditional agricultural to modern agriculture .