
  • 网络alternative currency;proxy
  1. 事实上,佩蒂相信,正是这种态度以及对替代货币等看似疯狂想法的承诺才使得路易斯这样的小城镇和它的企业取得成功。

    In fact , Petit is convinced that such attitudes and a commitment to seemingly crazy ideas like an alternative currency are what make small towns like Lewes and their businesses successful .

  2. 我离开这里后要怎么处理这些替代货币?

    e.g. What am I going to do with all this funny money when I leave here ?

  3. 第四,美元的替代货币仍缺乏吸引力。

    Fourth , the alternatives to the dollar remain unattractive .

  4. 美国政府的一名高级官员说,对美元替代货币的所有对话的结果来看,美元仍旧是首选货币。

    A senior administration official said that for all the talk of alternatives to the dollar , it remained the currency of choice .

  5. 贝格建议用美元买进该地区的替代货币,如新加坡元和马来西亚林吉特,因为它们可能会提供更好的价值。

    Mr Baig suggests buying proxies in the region , such as the Singapore dollar and the Malaysian ringgit against the dollar , since they probably offer better value .

  6. 俄罗斯其他能源集团迄今不那么愿意放弃美元作为石油销售结算货币,因为替代货币的较低流动性很可能推高成本。

    Other Russian energy groups have been more reluctant to drop the dollar for settlement of oil sales , because the lower liquidity of alternative currencies is likely to result in higher costs .

  7. 吴晓灵的言论引发了对替代储备货币主要是欧元的疯狂买盘。

    The remarks triggered a buying spree for alternative reserve currencies , principally the euro .

  8. 第二章对经典的货币替代和货币国际化理论进行回顾。

    The second chapter is about the classic theory of currency substitution and monetary internationalization .

  9. 问题是,人们何时会开始寻找替代性货币?

    The question then is , at what point do people look for alternative currencies .

  10. 近几年来人民币已经在中国境外特别是周边国家和地区流通,而且流通的规模不断扩大,在有些国家和地区出现了替代当地货币的趋势。

    Recently , RMB has circulated in foreign countries or outside the mainland , especially in neighboring countries and peripheral regions , and the scale of circulation has become larger and larger in some countries and regions , a trend that RMB will replace the local currency has appeared .

  11. 货币替代与中国货币政策独立性分析

    Analysis of Currency Substitution and Monetary Policy Independence of China

  12. 电子货币的替代效应对货币层次的影响

    The Impact on Money Levels of the Substitution Effect of Electronic Money

  13. 电子货币的替代效应与货币供给的相关性研究

    Study on the Relationship between Substitution Effect of Electronic Money and Money Supply

  14. 不过,随着中国推动人民币成为足以在全球替代美元的货币,近期中国在缓慢地放松各项限制。

    However , it has been slowly relaxing constraints as it promotes the renminbi as a global alternative to the dollar .

  15. 系统分析了货币非国有化理论、货币替代理论以及货币竞争的法则。

    It systematically analyzes the currency non-nationalization theory , and currency substitution theory as well as the law of currency competition .

  16. 这个世界最终可能会抛弃美元,但首先得找到能替代它的货币才行。但是,眼下这种货币还不知在哪儿呢。

    The world may eventually flee the dollar , but first it will have to have an alternative & something that isn 't even on the horizon right now .

  17. 本文的政策含义是,需求结构政策、技术创新和替代能源、货币政策、投资政策和货币政策都是可选择的用于最小化石油价格冲击影响的政策工具。

    The policy meanings of this paper is that consumption structure policy , technical innovation , substitutive energy , monetary policy are the optional policy tools to minimize the disadvantage of oil price fluctuation .

  18. 实际上,未来30年,唯一真正能够替代美元的货币可能不是欧元、日圆、黄金或特别提款权,而是中国的人民币。

    Indeed , the only real alternative to the dollar over the next three decades is not likely to be the euro , yen , gold or SDRs but , in fact , Governor Zhou 's renminbi .

  19. 狭义的货币替代(即货币交易媒介职能的替代)对于中国来说,也许是挺遥远的一件事情,因为中国目前实行的管制政策能较好地防范大规模的货币替代的出现。

    Currency substitution in narrow sense ( currency substitution for media of exchange ) may be none of business to China at present , because the Capital Account is still under control in China , which can keep away large-scale currency substitution from China perfectly .

  20. 这些债券是以IMF发行的准货币特别提款权(SDR)计价的,中国正力主将特别提款权作为替代美元全球储备货币地位的一个可能选择。

    The notes are denominated in Special Drawing Rights , a quasicurrency issued by the fund and promoted by China as a potential replacement for the dollar as the world 's reserve currency .

  21. 货币替代机制及反货币替代问题研究菲亚塔货运代理收货凭证

    Foreign freight agent Currency Substitution Mechanism and Anti Currency Substitution

  22. 货币替代是指外国货币在本国境内替代本国货币来行使货币的某一种或某几种职能的现象。

    Monetary currency substitution refers to foreign monetary currency replacing domestic currency in one or several area .

  23. 只有欧元真正能够替代美元充当储备货币,德里克表示。

    The euro is the only real alternative to the dollar as a reserve currency , he says .

  24. 货币替代改变人们对货币的需求,影响一国的经济和宏观政策效果。

    The money substitution changes people 's demand on money , influences a nation 's economy and macro policy effect .

  25. 欧元作为一种替代美元的储备货币,已经显示出越来越强的吸引力,仅此一点,就应该让我们深感忧虑。

    The euro already is proving increasingly attractive as a reserve currency instead of the dollar and that alone should be of deep concern .

  26. 但即使可以替代美元成为世界货币,它也无法重现美国对该地位的运用。

    But even if it could usurp the dollar 's role as the world 's currency , it will not replicate the American set-up .

  27. 一些经济学家、决策者从实际情况出发,主张拉美国家以美元替代本国的独立货币,从而从根本上杜绝汇率风险,消除危机隐患,一时美元化的呼声高涨。

    Some analysts and policy-makers argue that Latin-American economies substitute U.S dollar for their own independent currency in accordance with their own situations to eliminate the exchange rate risk and the root of the crises .

  28. 然后分别从货币替代理论、最优货币区理论和金融深化理论的角度出发,借鉴美元、欧元、日元国际化的历史经验和教训,从理论上分析了货币国际化可能对商业银行产生的影响。

    Then from the currency substitution theory , the theory of optimum currency areas and financial deepening theory content , draw lessons from the dollar , euro , yen internationalization historical experience and lessons , from theoretic analysis on commercial bank internationalization of currency may influence .

  29. 本文主要分析了发展中国家在汇率选择问题上面临的困境,以及实现全面货币替代的成本收益分析,并进一步比较了货币替代与货币局制的差别,指出什么样的国家最适合全面货币替代。

    Discuss the developing country dilema in choosing exchange rate regime , and analyse the cost and profit when a country decide to give up it 's own currency , compare the currency board and total currency substitution , also indicate which type of country are more suitable for dollarization .