
  • 网络Legal Relation of Property
  1. 它能正确解译当今民法理论界所面临的所有权失灵这一现象,并为理解所有权制度调整财产法律关系的局限性提供一个新的框架。

    Furthermore , the two metaphors are helpful for the interpretation of " the ownership failure " in the civil law theory circle .

  2. 网络游戏虚拟财产法律关系的主体涉及:网络游戏开发运营商、代理商,网络游戏玩家,网络游戏代练者等。

    Subjects of the law relation involve the development and operating businessman , the agent businessman , the game player , the player who do it for others .

  3. 财产转移法律关系的主体为委托人和财产接受人。

    The bodies of trust property transfer legal relation include settlor and accepter .

  4. 继承权是财产继承法律关系内容的重要组成部分,是全部继承法律制度的核心。

    The right of inheritance , as a very important part of the legal relationship of property inheritance , is the core of all the legacy system .

  5. 最后进一步分析了虚拟财产主体的法律关系,提出了一些处理实际问题看法。

    Analyses of the legal relationship among the subjects of virtual properties will also be made so as to shed some light on the treatment of practical problems .

  6. 因此,有关虚拟财产的民事法律关系和行为理应为民法所调整,虚拟财产也应该得到与其他财产同等的民法保护。

    So , those civil legal relationships and actions should adjust by civil law , and the civil law should protect the virtual property equally as to protect other kinds of civil rights .

  7. 该部分主要从信托财产、信托法律关系和信托当事人、信托管理的连续性三个方面对信托基本理论进行说明,主要目的是为下文股权信托的论述提供铺垫。

    It is illuminated mainly from the aspects of trust property , trust relationship and parties , continuity of trust administration , which aims at offering foundation for the dissertation of trust of right of shares in the following text .

  8. 信托行为由财产管理和财产转移两个法律行为组合而成,相应形成信托财产经营管理法律关系和财产转移法律关系。

    Trust behavior is constituted of the transfer behavior and manage behavior . Correspondly , these behaviors arouse legal relation of transfer and management .