
  1. 筹办公司的财务审计报告;

    The auditors ' report on financial matters relating to the preparations for establishment of the company ;

  2. 如注册会计师财务审计报告一样,环境财务审计报告和环境合规性审计报告应该有明确的意见类型,即无保留意见、保留意见、否定意见和无法表示意见四种。

    Environmental finance auditing report and environmental lawful auditing report should have four kinds of opinion type , that are unqualified opinion , qualified opinion , adverse opinion and disclaimer of opinion .

  3. 本文搜集了IRM百强企业2004至2006年的IRM得分、财务数据和审计报告等资料,用实证研究的方法,设计出两个模型,以考察投资者关系管理对上市公司盈余质量的影响。

    Then we collected their IRM scores , financial data and audit reports from 2004 to 2006 , and designed two models to study the relationship between IRM and the listed companies ' earnings quality .

  4. 关于财务报表的审计报告

    Audit report on financial statements

  5. 已审财务报表的审计报告

    Report on audited financial statements

  6. 由于我方为学校,属事业单位性质,不能提供相关财务报告附件和审计报告,恕我方在标书不能满足该条款的要求。

    Since our university is a public institution which can not provide related attachments to financial report and audit report , we can not meet the requirement of such clause in tender documents .

  7. 经济责任审计与财务审计之比较分析筹办公司的财务审计报告;

    A Comparative Analysis on Economic Responsibility Audit ; the auditors ' report on financial matters relating to the preparations for establishment of the company ;

  8. 然而资本市场上的一系列财务欺诈和会计舞弊案表明财务报告与审计报告的质量依然不高,投资者不仅对上市公司高管而且对负责审计工作的注册会计师产生了信任危机。

    However , a series of financial and accounting frauds in capital market indicate that the quality of financial reports and audit reports is still not high . Not only management members of company but also auditors who are responsible for auditing produced a crisis of confidence to investors .