
cái shén
  • the god of wealth;the god of fortune;Mammon;an extremely wealthy person
财神 [cái shén]
  • (1) [the God of Wealth]∶原意指道教奉的神仙。迷信的人指使人发财致富的神仙,据说叫赵公明。也叫赵公元帅

  • (2) [an extremely wealthy person]∶极富的人

财神[cái shén]
  1. 查一查,这财神是不是假货!

    Check ! Make sure the God of wealth isn 't fake !

  2. 赵公明是中国民间传说的财神。

    Zhao Gongming is the God of Wealth in Chinese folk tales .

  3. 当财神向他走去时,他却低下头盯着地面看,然后转身走开了,假装没有看到他。

    When Plutus approached him , he cast his eyes upon the ground , and turned away and pretended not to see him .

  4. 赫拉克勒斯被众神接纳为神以后,朱庇特为他设宴庆贺。宴会上,赫拉克勒斯热情友好地向众神一一问好,唯独财神普罗托斯除外。

    When Hercules was received among the gods and was entertained at a banquet by Jupiter , he responded courteously1 to the greetings of all with the exception of Plutus , the god of wealth .

  5. 虽然TimothyGeithner(美国财神)印了6500亿美元,但我们的优势还在不断减弱。

    Although with Timothy Geithner surreptitiously printing $ 650 billion , this latter advantage is waning .

  6. 愿今年财神爷帮您招财进宝。

    May the God of money give you a thriving business .

  7. 他相信我们的社会教年轻人崇拜财神。

    He believes that our society teaches young people to worship Mammon .

  8. 今天也是中国财神的生日。

    Today is also the birthday of the Chinese god of wealth .

  9. 每个人以为知道自己的财神爷在哪里。

    You think you know where your fortune God is .

  10. 这是因为财神惊寒、搁爱闹热。

    This is done because Handan hates cold weather and loves bustles .

  11. 不能即侍奉上帝有侍奉财神。

    You can 't serve the God and the mammon .

  12. 所以说连交通警察都可以变财神爷。

    If the traffic police can become the fortune god .

  13. 各家把除夕夜接来的财神祭祀一番。

    Families of the New Year 's eve connect to sacrifice a wealth .

  14. 财神正对着我微笑呢。

    The god of fortune is smiling upon me .

  15. 赵公元帅是中国民间传说的财神,叫赵公明。

    Marshal Chao is Chao Kung-ming , God of Wealth in Chinese folklore .

  16. 敬上帝与拜财神可以并行不悖。

    It was possible to serve God and Mammon at the same time .

  17. 习俗:祭财神

    Custom : Worshiping the God of Wealth

  18. 光也意味着吸引拉希米,即印度财神。

    The lights are also meant to attract Lakshmi , the Hindu goddess of wealth .

  19. “活财神”康百万的庄园

    Living fortune God millionaire kang 's Garden

  20. 其中有一组是用来以水沐供财神的。

    Among them there was a set for offering shower to the God of Wealth .

  21. 顾客就是我们的财神爷。

    Customers are our Gods of Wealth .

  22. 财神就是瘟神:当代泰国性旅游业的发展与艾滋病的蔓延

    Studies on the Growth of Sex Tourism and the Spread of AIDS in the Modernization of Contemporary Thailand

  23. 同样寓意的事情还有挂大红灯笼和贴“福”字及财神像等。

    Also implies that 's still hang red lanterns and paste " fu " character and mammon like etc.

  24. 当财神比以往任何时候都更受崇拜的时候,穷者愈穷,富者愈富。

    Whiles Mammon is worshipped as never before , the rich get richer and the poor , poorer .

  25. 大多数人家门口都坐立着财神像,守护它的是一根根燃烧的焚香。

    Figurines depicting the God of wealth sit outside most doors , attended by burning sticks of incense .

  26. 把克利福整个威吓着了;因为他自己也是想卖身与财神,也想成功的,如果她肯接受他的话。

    For he wanted to prostitute himself to the Bitch-goddess , Success also , if only she would have him .

  27. 第五天被称为破五,这一天人们会呆在家里欢迎财神的到来。

    The fifth day is called Po Woo . On that day people stay home to welcome the God of Wealth .

  28. 在本文第二章中,着重对关财神崇拜之宗教质素予以发掘。

    The second chapter , focusing on the " Off the God ofWealth " worship of the religious quality to be discovered .

  29. 拜财神是民俗,不过是不是从中能显示出强烈的民欲呢?

    Worship the God of Wealth is a folk , but not from the people can show a strong wish to do ?

  30. 为你家门口雇一财神,一进门,甭管他有事儿没事儿都得对你说:恭喜发财!

    For your door hire a mammon , a door , so don 't bother him something to say to you : congratulation !