
  • 网络fiscal balance
  1. IMF还表示,大宗商品价格持续下跌,给低收入大宗商品出口国的财政平衡带来了风险。

    Falling commodity prices pose risks to the fiscal balance in low-income commodity exporters , the fund also said .

  2. 论完善我国政府间财政平衡制度

    On Perfecting Fiscal Balance System of China 's Intergovernments

  3. IMF则认为,周期性调整的基本财政平衡的变动会误导人们对于国家财政态势变化的理解。

    The IMF argues that movements in the CAPB can give a misleading impression about changes in a country 's fiscal stance .

  4. 方案之二是实行同一种计划,直至希腊实现基本的财政平衡(不计利息支出的财政平衡),然后再违约,或者至少与imf和欧盟就此前的计划进行重新协商。

    The second option would be to pursue the same plan until Greece achieves a primary balance the fiscal balance before the payment of interest and then to default , or at least to renegotiate the programme with the IMF and the EU .

  5. 让我们借用已故的韦恩戈德利(wynnegodley)的财政平衡方法,看一看当前的形势。

    Let us look at where we now are , courtesy of the financial balance approach of the late Wynne Godley .

  6. 财政平衡预算能有效控制人造资源&钱财的支出。

    Balanced budget theorem can efficiently control the disburse of man-made resource & money .

  7. 相反,我们面临的主要挑战是控制公共支出和恢复财政平衡。

    Instead , our major challenge is to contain public expenditure and restore fiscal balance .

  8. 因此说,以有利于经济长期增长的方式恢复财政平衡,是一个痛苦的过程。

    Restoring fiscal balance in a way that supports longer-term growth will therefore be painful .

  9. 毫无疑问,收紧财政平衡的直接影响是紧缩性的。

    There is no doubt that the direct effect of tightening fiscal balances is contractionary .

  10. 财政平衡理论是财政学体系的一个重要组成部分。

    The theory of fiscal balance is an important part of the system of public finance science .

  11. 除了希腊之外,那些遭受危机冲击的国家本可以在早些时候实现一种可行的财政平衡。

    A workable fiscal balance could have been struck earlier in the crisis countries , except Greece .

  12. 提出了促进矿山和地方财政平衡发展的意见。

    Suggestions on how to promote a balanced development of both finance and mining industry of the localities are included .

  13. 缩小东西部差距:德国财政平衡制度及借鉴

    The German Fiscal Balance System : A Model Available for Shortening the Disparities between the East and West of China

  14. 默克尔与萨科齐共同提议,要在欧元区17个国家实现财政平衡,统一企业税率并征收新的金融交易税。

    Among their suggestions were balanced-budget rules in all17 euro-zone countries , harmonised corporate-tax rates and a levy on financial transactions .

  15. 它应该在很可能会出现的新货币大幅实际贬值的帮助下,继续努力实现财政平衡。

    It would continue to strive for fiscal balance , helped by what is likely to be a massive real depreciation .

  16. 房地产和证券等主要资产的价格波动与财政平衡之间存在密切关系。

    There is a close relation between fiscal balance and significant price swings of main assets , such as real estate and stock .

  17. 19世纪中叶,内部和外部的竞争打破了清朝正常的财政平衡,冯桂芬提议引进诸国富强之术。

    In the middle of 19th century , the competition between the inside and outside of china smashed the normal finance balance of Qing Dynasty .

  18. 在不影响恢复财政平衡这个目标的前提下,我提出了一些税务宽减,以减轻纳税人的负担。

    While we will persevere in restoring fiscal balance , we have proposed a number of tax concessions to relieve the burden on some taxpayers .

  19. 财政平衡、公平性、个人的费用压力以及美国的制度和政治现实是医疗照顾制度改革必须面对的问题与挑战。

    Financial balance , equity , cost burden to individuals , and realities of American institution and politics are problems and challenges Medicare reform has to face .

  20. 当然,用点儿小技巧是可以帮你买个房子、或者一辆新车,但是过多的借贷却会打破你的财政平衡。

    Sure , leverage can get you into a home or a new car , but too much debt is one of the biggest drags on your financial well-being .

  21. 在模型基础上,通过实证分析的方式,研究了短期与长期两个角度下人口老龄化对财政平衡的影响。

    Based on the models and by using the empirical analysis method , this paper respectively studied the short-term and long-term impact of population aging on government fiscal balance .

  22. 我能想到的每一个具有迫切需要的改革,从控制温室气体排放到恢复财政平衡,都会遇到游说和谎言的夹击。

    Every desperately needed reform I can think of , from controlling greenhouse gases to restoring fiscal balance , will have to run the same gantlet of lobbying and lies .

  23. 但福田已经排除了在公共事业方面花费更多资金的可能,而且重申了一个可能达成的目标在2011年前,实现还本付息前的初步财政平衡。

    But Mr Fukuda has ruled out spending more on public works and has reaffirmed the goal reachable of attaining primary fiscal balance , before debt service , by 2011 .

  24. 同时,我国经济发展不均衡是不争的事实,所以财政平衡是经济协调发展的重要部分。

    At the same time , it is undoubtedly there is unbalance in tour country economy development . And finance balance is the important composition of coordinative development of economy .

  25. 但由于各地方经济发展的不平衡,以及自然、历史、地理、管理等方面的差异,地方财政平衡状况和平衡的难度也差别很大。

    Owing to the equilibrium of local financial development and deference among nature history , geography and management , there are lots of difference between local financial balance and its difficulty .

  26. 最终得出:短期内,老龄化对财政平衡的影响不显著;但在长期,老龄化对财政平衡具有显著影响的结论。

    The conclusion is that in short-term , population aging has no significant impact on government fiscal balance , but in the long run , it will greatly affect the fiscal balance .

  27. 园区综合体开发模式的运用应当建立政企分离、市场原则、全寿命周期和正确的财政平衡观念环境。

    The use of the park complex development model should be established between government and enterprises separation of market principles , the whole life cycle , and the right fiscal balance concept environment .

  28. 只要这一计划的存在能够打消投资者的忧虑,面临威胁的国家的政府能够迈向财政平衡或是事先达成共识的违约,那么可能根本无需真的创造货币。

    Such a programme might have to create almost no new money , if investors are comforted by its existence and threatened governments can move to better fiscal balance , or pre-agreed default .

  29. 在我看来,上策是在2013年之前实现基本的财政平衡,然后对所有未偿还的外国债务进行违约,无论是公共还是私人债务。

    The best option , in my view , would be a strategy to achieve a primary balance by 2013 and then to default on all outstanding foreign debt , public and private .

  30. 如果考虑到他是如何从新组建了球队的主力阵容,做到财政平衡,签下世界级球员,赢得冠军,温格的成就绝对是不平常的。

    What Wenger has achieved at Arsenal is nothing short of remarkable when you consider how he has built a side from scratch , balanced the books , signed world-class players and won trophies .