
  • 网络fiction of philosophy;Philosophical novels
  1. 哲理小说与哲学小说

    On Philosophic Fiction and Fiction of Philosophy

  2. 美国作家威廉·福克纳的时间哲学在小说《喧哗与骚动》中得到了充分的体现。

    Faulkner 's time philosophy is fully expressed in his novel The Sound and the Fury .

  3. 酒神精神与萨特的存在主义哲学在其小说中得到艺术再现。

    So , Dithyramb spirit and Sartre 's existentialism get the art emersion in her novels .

  4. 第一节从历史与地域的渊源阐述了传统哲学对于刘醒龙小说创作的濡染与影响。

    Part 1 describes the effects of the traditional philosophies on liu 's novels historically and regionally .

  5. 一是:元小说作为将自身作为表现对象的小说,首要的哲学问题是小说本体论的问题,即小说与现实的关系。

    One is the preliminary and philosophical question of metafiction : the ontological status of fiction , namely , the relationship between reality and fiction .

  6. 她的哲学寓言式小说通过其独特的哲学视角和细腻的心理分析,传达了她对人生、伦理道德等问题的深切关注。

    Through her unique philosophical perspective and minute psychological analysis , she conveyed her deep concern for human existence and moral problems in her " philosophical fables " .

  7. 试图从作者艺术修养的哲学意味、小说主题思想的哲学意味、老渔夫形象的哲学意味三个方面进行简要阐述,从而更好地把握其作品的社会价值和永久魅力。

    This text attempts to expound from the philosophy meanings of the author 's artistic ability , the topic of the novel and the image of the old fisherman to help the readers to master the social value and permanent magic power of its work .

  8. 哲学探讨占据他小说的许多篇幅。

    Philosophical conjectures take up the greater part of his novel .

  9. 他谈到德国的哲学和法国的小说。

    He talked of German philosophy and French fiction .

  10. 我喜欢阅读哲学且写实的小说,并且收集了非常多尼尔。‧盖曼的作品。

    I love reading philosophical and graphic novels and have a vast collection of Neil Gaiman 's works .

  11. 当然,艾柯不是第一个严肃的哲学学者闯入神秘小说的领域。

    To be sure , Eco wasn 't the first serious philosophy scholar to knock out a mystery .

  12. 本文主要探索黑格尔的历史哲学与屠格涅夫长篇小说《父与子》、《罗亭》之间的关系。

    This thesis mainly explore the relationships between Hegel 's historical philosophy and Turgenev 's novels Rotain and Fathers and Children .

  13. 他的终极哲学追求反映在小说诗学中,就是对小说认识价值的关注和强调,与之相应的百科全书式小说,就是要求小说走向开放、多元和对话。

    His ultimate pursuits of philosophy reflected in his poetics on novels is that he concerns and emphasizes the recognizant values of novels .

  14. 萨特将主要的精力用于以文学的形式来表现其抽象的哲学思想,其小说,戏剧对萨特哲学思想进行了完美的阐释,使其哲学更易为广大读者所理解和接受。

    Sartre mainly focuses his attention on expressing his abstract philosophical thoughts in the form of literature , and his novels and dramas are perfectly illustrating his existentialist philosophy , successfully makes his followers easier to understand and accept his viewpoints .

  15. 本文运用对立统一的哲学基本原理分析小说主人公霍尔顿的语言,论证了霍尔顿的语言应用和作者塞林格创作意图之间和谐统一的关系。

    The aim of this paper is to analyze holden 's language from the law of the unity of the opposites , the philosophical principle , so as to prove the harmonious relations between the protagonist 's language and salinger 's thought .

  16. 无名氏深受柏格森生命哲学和存在主义哲学影响,其小说以爱情为经纬,以永不停息的寻找自我和自由为动力,编织出生命意识的恢弘画卷,最终将生命推向一个无化的超越境界。

    Wu Mingshi 's novels , being deep influenced by Bergson 's life philosophy and existentialism , take love as theodolite , take continuous find of self and liberation as energy , to weave life magnificant picture scroll , to push life to a unconventional realm of nothing finally .