
  • 网络philosophical sociology;sociology of philosophy
  1. 因此意识形态论仍然是现时代最重要的哲学社会学研究课题之一。

    So ideological theory is still the most important is the philosophy of one of the Sociology Research .

  2. 该章结合哲学、社会学和教育学指出STS教育的理论基础。

    The chapter combines philosophy , sociology and education , points out the theoretical basis of STS education .

  3. 大学教师角色扮演的哲学与社会学分析

    Reflections on University Teachers'Role-Playing Through Theoretical Analysis of Philosophy and Sociology

  4. 发展是近年来哲学、社会学等学科共同关注的焦点。

    The development is the focus of philosophy and sociology .

  5. 反思媒介竞争:哲学与社会学视野

    A Critical Interrogation of Media Competition : A Philosophical and Sociological Approach

  6. 影响赛艇训练、比赛的因素很多,其中包括来自于医学、哲学、社会学等方面的周边因素。

    There are many factors which influence the training and competition of canoeing .

  7. 论雷蒙·阿隆政治哲学的社会学分析方法

    The Sociological Analytic Approach of Aron 's Political Philosophy

  8. 本文即从哲学、社会学、美学这三个层面进行初步探讨。

    The thesis discuss from three filed of philosophy , sociology and esthetics .

  9. 在结束语中,把文章主旨提升到哲学和社会学高度加以淬砺和总结。

    At the tag , the article promotes the topic to philosophy and sociology .

  10. 心理学方法尚未得到总结,又为新的马克思主义哲学和社会学所摈弃了。

    It was replaced again by the methods of Marxist philosophy and sociology soon .

  11. 在哲学和社会学界也有对谦虚的社会功能的研究。

    There are also studies on the social functions of modesty in the sociological field .

  12. 形而上时,这两条主线会在哲学、社会学、心理学的层面上会合;

    Sometimes the two mainstays coincide on the level of philosophy , sociology and psychology metaphysically ;

  13. 他将哲学、社会学、政治学、法学和伦理学等广泛运用于国际政治理论研究。

    He applies philosophy , sociology , political science , jurisprudence and ethics to the studies .

  14. 所以我们非常高兴的看到这些学生去上这些课程,比如历史,哲学,社会学和教育学。

    We also love when our students take courses in our history , philosophy , sociality and education .

  15. 本文主要运用案例分析、法哲学和社会学的方法进行研究。

    In this paper , I use case studies , legal philosophy and methods of sociological in researching .

  16. 法兰克福学派在哲学、社会学、政治学和心理学方面的成就举世瞩目,但他们在传播学上的贡献国内却鲜见评介和研究。

    The Frankfurt School has been recognized for their studies in philosophy , sociology , political science and psychology .

  17. 性心理的探讨就是要揭示人本质的重要方面,对性的认识涉及哲学、社会学、人类学和医学。

    Therefore the substance of studying sex psychology is actually about human philosophy , sociology , anthropology and medical science .

  18. 身体是当代哲学、社会学、美学、艺术研究的“新大陆”。

    Body has been one of the " New Land " of contemporary philosophy , sociology , aesthetics and art .

  19. 其次论述前科消灭的理论根据,从哲学、社会学、刑法学的角度加以阐述。

    Secondly expound the theoretical foundation of criminal record abolishment from various angles of philosophy , sociology and criminal law .

  20. 尤其是现代哲学、社会学、法学领域对其从不同的角度入手,挖掘其深层关怀。

    Especially the modern philosophy , sociology , law field for its from a different Angle , mining the deep concern .

  21. 西方科学哲学和社会学理论为此提出了“整体主义”、“熵:一种新世界观”等;

    The West scientific philosophy and sociology theory put forward " Entiretism ", " entropy : a new world outlook ", etc.

  22. 因此,对意识形态的研究也就成为哲学、社会学和心理学等学界十分关注的领域,而且争议甚多。

    Thus , ideology has become a philosophy , sociology and psychology and other academic areas of concern to many and controversial .

  23. 它不但是文学文献,而且也是哲学、社会学、历史学、民俗学、神话学等方面的文献。

    It is not only literature of art , but also that of philosophy , sociology , history , folklore , and mythology .

  24. 哲学、社会学、历史学等学科在当代的新发展为全面把握这一重要的社会历史现象提供了可能。

    Now , the new development of philosophy , sociology and historical science has offered the possibility of the grasp of the phenomenon .

  25. 但江苏省的哲学、社会学、历史学、人文经济地理等学科在全国的地位有所下降。

    But still there were some disciplines , such as philosophy , sociology , history and human & economic geography , ranked lower than before .

  26. 从一开始,人们对进化的理解就是把其生物学意义和哲学、社会学意义相混淆的,尤其是在斯宾塞那里。

    From the beginning , people comprehend evolution with the confusion of the meaning of biology and of the philosophy > sociology , especially in Herbert Spencer .

  27. 西方马克思主义是一股产生于20世纪20年代的西方哲学、社会学思潮。

    Current Trend of Philosophy of Biological Science in West Country Western Marxism is an ideological trend of philosophy and sociology in the twenties of the 20th century .

  28. 本文在创造素质概念的界定和结构的理解中,提出要超越心理学价值判断标准,融入哲学和社会学等视野,主张以整合的视角全面理解创造素质。

    In defining creativity , the paper puts forward new criteria beyond the boundary of psychology , which integrates philosophy and sociology , advocating a comprehensive understanding of creativity .

  29. 他研究马克思主义的范围很广,包括经济学、哲学、社会学、法学、经济史学等。

    His research scope covered a wide range of field in Marxism , including economics , philosophy , sociology , science of law , history of economics and so on .

  30. 是目前国内外较为关注的涉及哲学、社会学、文化学、文学、女性学等方面的热点话题。

    It is a hot topic both in the domestic and foreign worlds , concerning the fields of philosophy , sociology , culture , literature , feminism and so on .