
  1. 哲学价值论的研究可从评价问题入手,首先确立价值与“应该”的本质联系;

    The study of the philosophical value should start from problem evaluation .

  2. 哲学价值论在19世纪末的兴起有其特定的心理学背景。

    Axiology and value theory rose with the emergence of modern psychology .

  3. 哲学价值论研究的人学基础

    Study of Man as the Foundation of Philosophical Axiology Research

  4. 哲学价值论研究的主客体关系模式与人学模式没有实质性区别。

    There is no essential difference between subject-object schema and humanistic schema .

  5. 体育哲学价值论视野的主要观点。

    Main opinions about Axiology of PS.6 .

  6. 关于哲学价值论的人学基础的思考具有重大的理论意义,直接关涉到哲学价值论合法性问题。

    Examination of the humanistic foundation of axiology is of important theoretical significance as it concerns the legitimacy of axiology itself .

  7. 第一,关于精神产品的价值。纯粹从经济学角度难于科学把握精神产品的价值,因此,对精神产品的价值主要应运用哲学价值论来分析。哲学价值论研究的人学基础

    The values of mental products should be evaluated through philosophy instead of economics . Study of Man as the Foundation of Philosophical Axiology Research

  8. 价值本质论、价值评价论等哲学价值论思想在《德意志意识形态》中都有所研究。

    This book studies value ontology , value evaluation and the value philosophy theory of German ideology , which is of great significance to contemporary Chinese value theory research .

  9. 哲学价值论的价值,不是实用意义上的,而是形而上学意义上的,认识论不是知识论,主要应研究事实判断和价值判断的历史统一性。

    The significance of philosophical theory of value is metaphysical , not positivistic . Epistemology is not theory of knowledge , but about the historical unity of factual judgment and value judgment .

  10. 本文立足哲学价值论,以环境教育事实为基础,理清环境教育的发展脉络,阐释环境教育的内涵。

    Based on the philosophical theory of value and the fact of environmental education , the developmental course of environmental education is maken clear , the implication of environmental education is interpreted .

  11. 分别运用效用价值论、劳动价值论、哲学价值论、价值工程价值论、生态环境价值论分析了城市绿地的价值,由此得出城市绿地价值的实质为生态环境价值。

    Using the theory of utility value , theory of labor value , theory of value engineering and theory of ecological environment value , the paper analyzed the value of urban green space .

  12. 现代人类中心主义是在传统人类中心主义思想基础上形成的,其本身内涵十分丰富,可以从自然、社会、历史、思维,特别是哲学价值论等多种角度加以阐释。

    Modern humanism which was developed on the basis of traditional humanism has plentiful contents and can be understood from many point of view such as nature , society , history , thought , especially from the angle of philosophy value .

  13. 本文借鉴哲学价值论的哲学研究范式,即重视人与世界的价值关系,以评价判断为核心,强调事实与价值的结合,目的与手段的结合,工具理性与价值理性的结合。

    This paper drawed on the " philosophical paradigm " of philosophical theory of value , which emphasizes on the value of the relationship between the mankind and world , and the combination of facts and values , purpose and meaning , instrumental rationality and value rationality .

  14. 摘要非人类中心主义环境伦理学的自然价值论,虽然对哲学价值论的基本观念有一定的冲击,但不能从哲学价值论的高度来区分物理世界和价值世界,陷入了二元论困境。

    Although the natural value theory of non-anthropocentric environment ethics has a certain impact to the basic idea of the philosophical axiology , it can 't tell the difference between physical world and value world as the philosophical axiology does , thus sinking into the predicament of dualism .

  15. 以马克思主义哲学价值论为指导,描述与分析社会主义市场经济条件下价值观的冲突:正负并存、今昔脱钩、多元交错等。

    With Marxist theory of philosophical values as the Guide , this paper describes and analyses the conflicts of values under the condition of the socialist market economy : the coexistence of the positive and the negative , the disconnection between today and the past , the multidimensional crisscross , etc.

  16. 论后黑格尔时代西方哲学的价值论转向

    The Transform in Axiology of Western Philosophy in the Post-Hegelian Period

  17. 关于马克思主义哲学价值本质论的思考

    On the Nature of the Value of Marxist Philosophy

  18. 当代中国价值论研究和哲学的价值论转向

    A Study of Axiology in Contemporary China and the Re-orientation of Axiology in Philosophy

  19. 现代哲学的价值论转向使应用哲学和应用伦理学的产生成为必要和可能。

    The turning of axiology in modern philosophy makes applied philosophy and applied ethics possible and necessary .

  20. 科学哲学的价值论转向&科学进步模式新探

    The Study of Philosophy of Science : Science → Values , A New Mode of Science Progress

  21. 19世纪中叶起,哲学凸现了价值论研究,而绝对价值观念的寻求尤其成为它关注的焦点。

    Since mid-19th century , the exploration of the axiology has been highlighted in the field of philosophy , with the pursuit of absolute value idea as its main concern .

  22. 康德哲学体系中的价值论命题

    The Propositions of the Theory of Value in the System of Kantian

  23. 它有两种基本类型:原创的权力意志和颓废的权力意志,这一思想鲜明地体现了尼采的哲学&伦理学的价值论特征。

    This theory embodies the axiological characteristics of Nietzsche 's philosophy & ethics .

  24. 本文分析了西方人本主义的认识论、本体论和价值论等三个层面,指出现代西方哲学集中体现了价值论的人本主义。

    The author analyzes the humanistic tradition on three different levels : epistemology , ontology and axiology , and regards the contemporary western philosophy as the embodiment of the axiological humanism .

  25. 因此,应当建立价值科学。价值科学不同于哲学意义上的价值论(价值哲学)。

    Thus , value science is different from theory of value / axiology ( or philosophy of value ) and therefore knowledge science from theory of knowledge and philosophy of science .

  26. 伦理学被归于道德哲学,它首先是一种哲学探讨,属价值论范畴。

    Belonging to the ethical philosophy , ethics is , first of all , a philosophical discussion and falls into the category of value .

  27. 哲学一般的完美整体,是哲学本体论、哲学认识论、哲学价值论三者的内在统一,是意识王国基础性事实与其逻辑内容所是的内在统一。

    The perfect entirely of philosophy is the internal unity of philosophical ontology , philosophical epistemology and philosophical theory of values and of fundamental fact in the field of consciousness and its logical content .

  28. 教育技术目前还没有自己的哲学,本文试图从技术哲学和教育哲学对这些哲学基本问题的回答中初步思考教育技术哲学价值论问题。

    The educational technique does not come into being own philosophy now . In this article we attempt to ponder educational technique philosophy theory of value question preliminary from the technical philosophy and the philosophy of education .