
  • 网络Drepung Monastery
  1. 寺庙例事在哲蚌寺,喇嘛完成每天清晨的早课后,依然在沉思。

    Monastery Ritual Monks remain deep in thought after an early morning prayer meeting at Drepung Monastery .

  2. 城市里和市郊有许多历史遗迹和著名的地方,这其中有布达拉宫,宗喀巴殿,哲蚌寺,色拉寺和甘丹寺是世界闻名的。

    There are many historic sites and famous relics in the city proper and its suburbs , among which the Potala palace , Jokhang temple , Drepung monastery , Sera Monastery and Gandan monastery are world famous .

  3. 在拉萨哲蚌寺,身穿绛红僧袍的喇嘛们仪式性地辩论经文奥义——何为“真实”的本质,巧不巧——他们这样做实际上是迫于执政者的要求,只要能赚到美元,后者就乐于鼓励旧习俗。

    Those red-robed monks practicing ritual debating - on the nature of reality , no less - at the Drepung monastery in Lhasa are in fact doing so at the behest of their rulers in faraway Beijing , happy to encourage old customs so long as those will bring in dollars .