
  • 网络philosophy;educational philosophy;philosophical ideas;the outlook on philosophy
  1. 目标规划MULTIPLEX模型的哲学观、有效性和统一化

    On the Philosophies , Validation and Unification of GP Multiplex Model

  2. 两种哲学观指导下的高等教育价值取向

    The Value-orientation of Higher Education under the Guidance of Two Philosophies

  3. 论Grice的理性哲学观

    Rationality : The core of Grice 's philosophy

  4. 根据科学家卡尔.波普尔(KarlPopper)的科学哲学观,任何科学理论都有其可证伪性。

    According to the scientific philosophical view of Karl Popper , any scientific theory has its " falsification quality " .

  5. 同时,Lakoff依据神经元模拟论提出了模拟论语义学,以此进一步论证了隐喻和语言的体验性,有力地批判了客观主义哲学观和乔姆斯基TG语言理论。

    Meanwhile , based on the Neural Simulation Theory , Lakoff has developed Simulation Semantics , which further substantiated the embodiment view of metaphor and language , and refuted the objectivist philosophy and Chomskian TG grammar .

  6. Bickerton的语言哲学观与外语教学

    Bickerton 's Philosophical View on Language and Its Implications on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning

  7. Lakoff和M.Johnson为代表的认知语言学研究实现了从客观主义哲学观到经验现实主义哲学观的转变,这标志着人类意识形态和语言哲学的进步。

    Represented by George Lakoff and M.Johnson , it realized a change from view of objectivism philosophy to that of experimentalism philosophy , marking a progress in human ideology and language philosophy .

  8. 首先从Baress悖论出发,研究像企业这样以人与人之间高度复杂的相互作用为整体特征的组织,必须用整体的哲学观进行研究;

    This paper first explains why organizations such as enterprises which are characterized by highly complex interactions among men must be researched by the philosophy of wholism through Baress 's Paradox .

  9. 中国传统哲学观在古建筑中的体现

    The reflection of the Chinese traditional philosophy in the ancient buildings

  10. 从教育思想和实践看孔子的哲学观

    Viewing Confucian outlook of philosophy from Confucian education ideas and practice

  11. 论哲学观的历史演变及其未来发展趋势

    Discussing on Historical Evolution and Future Development Trend of Philosophical View

  12. 旅行也许会改变你的哲学观。

    Travel may change your attitudes with regard to your philosophy .

  13. 《天使,望故乡》与叔本华人生哲学观

    On Look Homeward , Angel and Schopenhauer 's Philosophy of Life

  14. 论人的全面发展的哲学观

    Talking about the Man 's Round Development of Philosophy Idea

  15. 植物雄性不育的遗传理论及其哲学观

    Genetic theory of plant male sterility and its philosophical view

  16. 世界是荒诞的,是他们共同的哲学观。但由于他们对荒诞的具体看法不尽相同。

    They shared the same philosophical view that the world was absurd .

  17. 任何分析都要先基于概念的澄清和甄别,在这里笔者对什么是哲学观?

    The idea clarification is the foundation of any analysis .

  18. 从翻译哲学观探析商务英语中隐喻的翻译

    On Translation of Business English Metaphor from the Perspective of Translation Concept

  19. 马克思的哲学观决定了他的教育观。

    Marx 's viewpoint of philosophy determined his educational one .

  20. 模糊系统及其数学表述的哲学观

    The Philosophical Viewpoint of Fuzzy System and Its Mathematical Description

  21. 论柏格森的直觉体验教育哲学观

    A Study on Bergson 's Intuitional Experience of Education Philosophy

  22. 一是《手稿》的哲学观与美学观。

    Section one is the view of philosophy and aesthetics of Manuscript .

  23. 由说回到做:哲学观的历史性转变。

    Fourth , the historical transformation in philosophy is from saying to doing .

  24. 分析与实践:索尔蒂斯的公共教育哲学观

    The Analytic and Pragmatic Perspective : The Public Philosophy of Education of J.F.Soltis

  25. 复合空间理论与关联理论相似的语言哲学观

    On the linguistic philosophical similarities between CB and RT

  26. 柏拉图的政治-哲学观&以正义与智慧为视角

    Plato 's " politics philosophy " view : perspectives of justice and wisdom

  27. 天气预报哲学观若干问题思考

    Thinking of Some Problems About the Philosophical View - points on Weather Forecasting

  28. 哲学观与哲学研究的重大问题(英文)

    Philosophic views and significant issues in philosophic research ;

  29. 地理学区域研究中的哲学观

    View of philosophy on the regional study of Geography

  30. 论傅山的医学哲学观

    A Comment on Fushan ' Philosophy of Medicine View