
  • 网络Philosophy;philosophical thought
  1. 英国人不是以其哲学思想闻名,而是往往更注重实际。

    The British are not famed for their philosophy and tend to be more practically minded .

  2. 本文在中国古典哲学思想的基础上,提出了E-S辩证思维模式。

    Based on the thought of Classical chinese philosophy , the E-S dialectical thinking scheme is proposed .

  3. 他正试图把各种激进的哲学思想综合在一起。

    He 's trying to bring together various strands of radical philosophic thought .

  4. 运用TQM这一管理哲学思想创建校园文化,重在活动设计,实施品质管理。

    The establishment of campus culture with the philosophy of TQM lies in designing activities and carrying out quality management .

  5. J.C.皮特工程技术哲学思想评析

    Comments and analysis on J.C.Peter engineering technology philosophy

  6. Fuller协同的哲学思想,几何形态的寻找,归类以及工程力学性质分析都为张拉整体这一人类思想的精髓应用于实践工程中做出了很大的贡献。

    Fuller 's synergetic philosophic idea , form finding , morph categorization and mechanics properties have a great contribution to the application of the essence of the human thinking .

  7. 用科学的哲学思想指导科技创新

    Strategic thinking ; Instructing Science and Technology Innovation Scientifically and Philosophically

  8. 弗洛姆爱的哲学思想及其教育启示

    ERICH FROMM ' Philosophy Thought of Love and Its Educational Illumination

  9. 维特根斯坦后期哲学思想对当代语言学的影响

    On the Influence of Wittgenstein 's Later Philosophy upon Contemporary Linguistics

  10. 论文首先从生态学研究大学学术问题的独特角度,具体分析适用于自然、社会乃至大学学术活动和现象的生态学原理及生态哲学思想。

    Firstly it analyses ecological principles and philosophy fit for nature .

  11. 现代奥林匹克运动的哲学思想逐步成熟。

    The philosophy in modern Olympic movement is becoming mature gradually .

  12. 中国古代出现过高超的法哲学思想。

    There appeared in ancient China a distinguished philosophy of law .

  13. 浅析和平发展战略蕴涵的哲学思想

    A Discussion of Philosophy Basis in the Chinese Peaceful Development Strategy

  14. 歌德有他自己的哲学思想和神学思想。

    Goethe had his own philosophical thought and theological thought .

  15. 相当多的学者对老子的哲学思想是持否定态度的。

    Many scholars hold a negative attitude towards the philosophy of Laozi .

  16. 先秦时期的历史哲学思想探源

    The exploration on the historical philosophy thinking in per-Qin period

  17. 《资本论》中蕴藏着十分丰富的哲学思想。

    Besides this Capital embodies a wealth of philosophical thoughts .

  18. 试论哲学思想对自然科学的影响

    The Influence of the Natural Science on the Philosophy Thought

  19. 这种独创性和矛盾性,构成了张载哲学思想的主要特征。

    Original creation and contradiction are the main characteristics of his philosophy .

  20. 东方的主要哲学思想是儒学。

    The main philosophy in the East is the confucianism .

  21. 政治哲学思想史就是一部人类社会史。

    The history of political thought is the history of human society .

  22. 论主体哲学思想在私法中的反映

    The Reflection of Philosophical Thinking of Subjectivity in Private Laws

  23. 运用哲学思想指导无机化学教学

    Bring to Bear Philosophic Viewpoint Guidance Teaching of Inorganic Chemistry

  24. 明清创新绘画的哲学思想基础

    On Philosophic Base Of Innovation Paintings In The Qing Dynasty

  25. 另外,其友谊观还渗透了斯多葛派的哲学思想。

    His view on friendship embodies strong political color and Stoic philosophic thought .

  26. 章太炎哲学思想的发展与完成

    Development and Completion of Zhang Taiyan 's Philosophical Ideas

  27. 爱因斯坦的哲学思想丰富而深邃。

    Einstein 's philosophy thought is rich and profound .

  28. 其五,灵感兴发的本质涵义:天人感应天人合一。所有这五个方面,无不基于道家和禅宗哲学思想。

    All the aspects above are based on Daoist and Buddhist philosophy thoughts .

  29. 论希波克拉底的医学哲学思想

    On the Hippocrates ' Thought of the Medicine Philosophy

  30. 中国的哲学思想主要是以儒教、道教、佛教各学说为代表的哲学思想,这三家思想对意境理论的形成肯定有一定的影响。

    Chinese philosophic ideology is mainly represented by Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism .