
  • 网络The Phenomenology of Mind;Phanomenologie des Geistes;Phaenomenologie des Geistes
  1. 在《精神现象学》等著作中,黑格尔从主奴关系&人类最早的人际关系入手,揭示了人类自我意识发展的特定历史形态。

    In The Phenomenology of Mind and other works , Hegel announces the specific historical form of human self-consciousness development from the viewpoint of master and servant , the initial human relations .

  2. 在黑格尔(GeorgWilhelmFriedrichHegel)的《精神现象学》中,黑格尔讨论了三种不同的心灵类型:主体性的心灵,一个个体的心灵;

    In Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 's Phenomenology of Mind , Hegel discusses three distinct types of mind : the subjective mind , the mind of an individual ;

  3. 马克思和《精神现象学》&一个历史主义的文本学分析

    Marx and The Phenomenology of the Spirit : A Historical Textual Reading

  4. 实践的精神现象学解读&兼与杨春时、苏宏斌先生商榷

    Interpretation of Practice from the Perspective of Phenomenology of Spirit

  5. 在《精神现象学》中,外化概念成为一个核心概念。

    In the Phenomenology of Spirit , externalization is becoming a core concept .

  6. 这些部分大致构成本文所谓的《精神现象学》的内容。

    These parts roughly constituted the so called " contents of Phenomenology of Spirit " .

  7. 然而,《精神现象学》同时也是体系的第一部分,亦即体系自身的一个环节。

    However , the Phenomenology of Spirit is also the first part of the system .

  8. 《金银岛》《吉姆》,甚至是黑格尔的《精神现象学》都被续写了。

    There are sequels to Treasure Island , Kim , and even Hegel 's Phenomenology of Spirit .

  9. 主人和奴隶是《精神现象学》自我意识章节中的一对范畴。

    Master and slave is a pair of conception in the chapter " Self-consciousness " in Spirit Phenomenology .

  10. 黑格尔主要在《精神现象学》、《精神哲学》、《逻辑学》中阐述他的自我意识理论。

    Hegel mostly expounds his theory of self-consciousness in Phenomenology of Spirit , Philosophy of Spirit and Science of Logic .

  11. 接着,我们通过黑格尔《精神现象学》中对面相学和头盖骨相学的论述,分析了一种反理性的倾向。

    Then , we analyze an anti-rational tendency through hegel 's discussion of physiognomy and phrenology in phenomenology of spirit .

  12. 1807年《精神现象学》为黑格尔的哲学提供了一个在意识经验之形态下的呈现。

    The Phenomenology of Spirit in 1807 offers an appearance of Hegelian science under the form of experience of consciousness .

  13. 动作与中介&从生活世界的观点出发对《精神现象学》感性确定性分析中动作性词语的一个解读

    Action and Mediation : A Reading of Hegel 's " Analysis of Sense Certainty " from a Perspective of Life - world

  14. 从某种意义上说,《精神现象学》是黑格尔哲学的秘密起源。

    In a sense , the beginning of phenomenology of Mind is " the secret origin " of all Hegel 's philosophy .

  15. 马克思正是在批判地吸取了黑格尔精神现象学方法的基础上,才实现了哲学的革命变革,从而建构起人学现象学理论。

    Marx realized philosophical revolutionary reform based on critically drawing on Hegel 's phenomenology method of spirit , then to construct phenomenology of human theory .

  16. 伦理实体是黑格尔在《精神现象学》和《法哲学原理》中提出并充分阐发的重要概念。

    Ethical entity is an essential concept put forward and elaborated by Hegel in his books , The Philosophy of Rights and The Phenomenology of Spirit .

  17. 在无限性的变异这一理解之下,本文还尝试性地探究了《精神现象学》的结构问题。

    Besides , under the insight of " variation of infinity ", this paper makes an tentative research on the matter of the structure of the Phenomenology .

  18. 人物的自我意识及其异化&霍桑的《红字》与黑格尔的《精神现象学》霍桑及其《红字》之一:批评略史

    The Character 's Self-consciousness and Its Alienation in the Scarlet Letter My First Study of Hawthorne 's The Scarlet Letter : An Outlined History of Its Criticisms

  19. 在星期日,我回到这篇被称为「精神现象学」的该死的论文,心理困惑着,上一次我恣意怦击,会不会因此误导你们?

    On Sunday I returned to this damned satire called The Phenomenology of Spirit , wondering whether I wasn 't misleading you last time when I was indulging myself in .

  20. 黑格尔在《精神现象学》的“序言”中阐述了其对哲学的基本认识,并且通过对哲学的表述把他的哲学观与康德、谢林等人的哲学观区别开来。

    Hegel has expanded his view on philosophy in " The Preface of Phanomenologie des Geistes " and distinguished his philosophic conception from Kant and Schelling through the statement of philosophy .

  21. 本文试图通过对黑格尔《精神现象学》和《法哲学原理》中的承认理论进行挖掘和分析,追溯承认理论的来源。

    This article attempts to trace back to the source of the theory of recognition by analyzing the theory of recognition in Hegel 's the Phenomenon of Spirit and the Philosophy of Right .

  22. 莫里森把这一点论述得极其漂亮,她显然借鉴了黑格尔《精神现象学》,的第四章中,对主人和奴隶之间辩证关系的理解。

    Morrison , of course , develops this argument beautifully , and she quite clearly takes it from the fourth chapter of Hegel 's Phenomenology of Mind as a way of understanding the master-slave dialectic .

  23. 场所精神是建筑现象学的核心内容,属于建筑现象学范畴,在环境艺术设计当中,场所以及场所精神则属于设计方法学中的一种,同时又与环境心理学有着密不可分的关系。

    The spirit of place is the core content of architecture phenomenology , which belongs to the category of the phenomenology of architecture , environment art design , site and site spirit is a kind of design method of study , and have a close relation to environmental psychology .

  24. 西方评论家则借助精神分析学、现象学等理论,拓宽了对《吉姆爷》的研究领域。

    Absorbing the theories of psychoanalysis and phenomenology etc , the western critics have conducted systematic criticism of Lord Jim and widened the research of this novel .

  25. 审美是最世俗的人类精神活动,美学则是人类感性精神现象学,这当是当代美学基础理论研究的确当起点。

    Aesthetics is the most popular spiritual activity of humans and the study of it is the spiritual phenomenology of human feeling .

  26. 只有把价值如其所是地理解为精神现象,把价值哲学理解为精神现象学,才有可能找到真正符合马克思批判精神的价值哲学的门径。

    Only when value is construed as spiritual phenomenon as it is and the value philosophy is taken as spiritual phenomenology can the door to a value philosophy that is truly in keeping with Marxist critical spirit be located .