
jīnɡ shén cái fù
  • spiritual wealth;spiritual values;spiritual property
  1. 巧取豪夺,苛捐杂税和敲诈勒索迫使另一些人跑到山里找活路。精神财富的巧取豪夺费边主义的完美画像&评肖伯纳剧作《卖花女》

    Extortion , taxes , blackmail drove others over to seek a way of living . Extortion of Spiritual Values by Trick and Force , Perfect Portrayal of Fabianism & Comments on George Bernard Shaw s Play Pygmalion ;

  2. 技术的高速发展以及在经济、社会领域的广泛应用,为人类带来了日益增长的物质财富和精神财富,极大地促进着经济、文化和社会的进步。

    The rapid development of technology and its extensive application in the area of economy and society has led to the increasingly growth of material wealth and spiritual values of human being , and largely pushed forward the progress of our economy , culture and the whole society , However .

  3. 但是她分享给别人的精神财富都是无价之宝

    but what she gave to others spiritually was truly priceless .

  4. 她的才华和精神财富将留存在被她激励过的所有人心中。

    Her talent and legacy1 will live on in the memory of those she had inspired .

  5. 不论过去、现在还是将来,党的光荣传统和优良作风都是激励我们不畏艰难、勇往直前的宝贵精神财富。

    Whether in the past , present or future , the glorious traditions and fine conduct of the CPC are always a precious spiritual treasure , inspiring us to brave hardships and move forward .

  6. NBA主场文化的主要内涵在于其创造了丰硕的物质财富和精神财富。

    This culture main connotation creates substantial wealth of material and spirits .

  7. 在文化方面,广义的CBA和NBA文化可以理解为NBA或CBA发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。

    In the culture aspect , from the broad sense CBA and NBA can be defined as the sum of substantial and spiritual wealth created in the developing course .

  8. 建设者们把精神财富与物质财富融为一体,成就了财富文化,以这样一座恢弘的财富地标矗立在世人瞩目的深圳中心区CBD。

    When material wealth met spiritual one , the culture of fortune was born , in such a magnificent architectural form , at the center of the CBD of Shenzhen .

  9. 他短暂而光辉的一生为我们留下了宝贵的精神财富。

    His short and glorious life is unlimited wealth for us .

  10. 真正让古代诗文成为维系中华民族生生不息的共同精神财富。

    Let Chinese ancient poems become sustain perennial common spiritual wealth .

  11. 一间病室往往能提供大量的精神财富。

    A sick chamber may often furnish the worth of volumes .

  12. 中国传统哲学属于全人类的精神财富

    Chinese Traditional Philosophy : A Spiritual Wealth Belongs to the Whole Mankind

  13. 百年学术名家留给我们的精神财富

    The Psychic Wealth That the Outstanding Scholars of the Century Gave Us

  14. 《决议》的巨大价值是我们宝贵的精神财富。

    The enormous value of the Resolution is our valuable spiritual wealth .

  15. 这是留给我们取之不尽用之不竭的宝贵精神财富。

    This remains for us the inexhaustible precious spiritual wealth .

  16. 书是伟大的天才留给人类的精神财富。

    Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind .

  17. 创业是创造物质和精神财富的一种过程。

    Entrepreneurship is to create material and spiritual wealth of a process .

  18. 丝绸文化是融合物质财富和精神财富的文明成果。

    Silk culture combines the civilization achievements of material and spiritual wealth .

  19. 它是学生在校园艺体实践中形成和拥有的物质和精神财富。

    It is a material and mental wealth formed in artistic practice .

  20. 托力给我们留下了数不尽的美好记忆和精神财富。

    Tonie has left us with countless memories and treasures .

  21. 文化产业的核心是精神财富的生产。

    The cultural industry is the core of spiritual production .

  22. 红色资源是我国特有的宝贵物质财富和精神财富。

    Red resources are China-unique material and spiritual wealth .

  23. 孙中山中华民族复兴思想是他遗留给中华民族的一笔重要的精神财富。

    Sun Zhgongshan 's national revival ideology was great spiritual wealth of China .

  24. 历史文化是古城太原最大的一笔精神财富。

    Historical & cultural is the biggest spiritual wealth to the Taiyuan city .

  25. 你跟她相爱的回忆,是最重要的精神财富。

    The memory of your love with her is the most important legacy .

  26. 他的思想在今日中国也仍然是值得吸收借鉴的精神财富。

    His opinion is still worthy of using for reference in todays China .

  27. 墨家学说是中华民族文化史上一笔巨大的精神财富。

    The Mohism is a spiritual wealth in the Chinese nation culture history .

  28. 科技的发展给人类带来了无可比拟的物质财富和精神财富。

    The development of technology brings humanity unparalleled material wealth and spiritual wealth .

  29. 这是宝贵的精神财富。

    These cultural conditions constitute valuable spiritual legacy .

  30. 我们从中也感受到了这位伟大的思想家带给我们的精神财富是享之不尽的。

    We see the great thinker bring us spiritual wealth is the endless enjoy .