
jīnɡ shén shì jiè
  • inner world;mental world
  1. 论新写实小说对人物精神世界的隐性叙述

    On the Implied Portray of Mental World in New-realistic Novel

  2. 让传统人文素养滋润中学生的精神世界

    Letting Traditional Humane Qualities Do Much Good to the Mental World of Middle School Students

  3. 她关心我,以及我的精神世界,即使我没有。

    She cared about me , and my intellectual life , even when I didn 't.

  4. 焦虑的人的精神世界就像一个大漩涡。

    The anxious person has the spirit like a maelstrom .

  5. 在这两部悲剧中,可以看到现代悲剧关注时代、关注普通人的精神世界和情感生活的走向。研究了ABS和PVC对PC/ABS共混体系力学性能的影响。

    Through the paralleled study of the two works , we may notice the tendency of modern tragedy that focuses on everlasting affection and spirits collision of the ordinary people , and the impact of time .

  6. MOVEUP是一种流浪,不止关于身体,更关乎精神世界的流浪。

    MOVEUP is one kind roams about , continues about the body , concerns the inner world roaming about .

  7. 维特根斯坦当时50岁,接替G.E.摩尔担任哲学教授。他们两个人都不能用世俗的标准来衡量,他们都是独特的人,活在自己创造的精神世界中。

    Neither one could be defined by official positions ( Wittgenstein , then fifty , had just been appointed Professor of Philosophy in succession to G.E. Moore ) , for they were unique individuals , creating their own mental worlds .

  8. 浅析中国当代大学生的精神世界

    Simple Analysis of the Spiritual World of the Present University Students

  9. 晚清刘鹗《铁云诗存》的精神世界

    The spiritual world of Liu E 's Tie Yun Shi Cun

  10. 妻妾成群中的人性抉择&试论《金瓶梅》对男性精神世界变异的反思及其意义

    Human Nature 's Choice in a Number of Wives and Concubines

  11. 论台湾现代派小说的精神世界

    On the Spiritual World of the Novels in Taiwan Modernist School

  12. 它象征着你的精神世界和俗世间的桥梁。

    It symbolizes the bridge between your spiritual and your earthly planes .

  13. 它们以其感人的魅力,引领我们徜徉在返朴归真的精神世界里。

    They guide us to the original spiritual world by its charming .

  14. 历史上自然对人类精神世界的影响

    Effect of Nature on the Human Spiritual World from a Historical Perspective

  15. 独语是在双重语境的作用下,展示主体内在的精神世界的。

    Only under a double context , can monologue demonstrate the spiritual world .

  16. 孙犁晚年的精神世界

    SUN Li 's inner world in his later years

  17. 那个时期的孩子们需要卡通来慰藉他们的精神世界。

    Kids at that time brought cartoons into the age of psychiatric help .

  18. 这些都体现了他精神世界里的平民意识。

    All of these embody his populace 's consciousness .

  19. 她们的精神世界往往高于男性,是男性灵魂的拯救者。

    They have nobler spirit than heroes and rescue the souls of heroes .

  20. 神与精神世界确实“只不过”是我们内在的集体潜意识。

    The world of gods and spirits is truly'nothing but'the collective unconscious inside me .

  21. 这里的每一位艺术家都用各自的视角,表现不同的理想精神世界。

    Every artists use their perspective , the performance of different ideal spiritual world .

  22. 双鱼则更为安静,更喜欢在自己的精神世界里面徜徉。

    Pisces is quieter , more involved in the shifting of their own mindscape .

  23. 我们致力于学生思想、体格及精神世界的全面发展。

    We work to develop the whole person in mind , body and spirit .

  24. 这个精神世界由两个方面构成:情感状态和精神归宿。

    The spiritual worlds consist of two aspects : emotional state and spiritual home .

  25. 对霍尔顿精神世界的探索

    To Explore the Spiritual World of Holden

  26. 精神世界的游牧民族&读王安忆中篇小说《我爱比尔》

    The Nomad in the Spiritual World & on Wang An-yi s I love Bill ;

  27. 论无名氏的精神世界

    On Wu Ming Shi 's Inner World

  28. 我是个精神世界很丰富的人。

    I am very spiritual kind guy .

  29. 河上肇对社会主义的理解,非常重视人内心的精神世界,这在一定程度上影响了他对于唯物史观的认识。

    To some extent , this has affected Hajime Kawakami to understand the historical materialism .

  30. 悲怆而奇美的女性精神世界

    Tragic but Beautiful Female Spirits World