
yì shi
  • awareness;be aware of;consciousness;realize;sense;be conscious of;awake to;sentient
意识 [yì shí]
  • (1) [consciousness]∶人的头脑对于客观物质世界的反映,是感觉、思维等各种心理过程的总和

  • (2) [be conscious of;awake to;realize]∶觉察;发现

  • 她不高兴啦,我并没意识到

意识[yì shi]
  1. 他们必须意识到这一点,并且诚实地面对这个事实。

    They must be conscious of this and face it honestly .

  2. 她似乎并没有意识到危险。

    She didn 't seem to be conscious of the danger .

  3. 这个镇上有一种强烈的社区意识。

    There is a strong sense of community in this town .

  4. 对无风险意识的人而言,股票市场充满了陷阱。

    The stock market is full of traps for the unwary .

  5. 我意识到说这话不恰当。

    I realized that it was the wrong thing to say .

  6. 你起码还能意识到要求救。

    At least you had the wit to ask for help .

  7. 他意识到他说得实在太多了。

    He was conscious that he was talking rather too much .

  8. 直到那时她才意识到他所承受的压力。

    Only then did she realize the stress he was under .

  9. 他没有意识到自己犯罪了。

    He was not aware that he had committed an offence .

  10. 她突然意识到自己的话很奇怪,脸一下子红了。

    She suddenly realized the oddity of her remark and blushed .

  11. 她很快意识到出了什么事。

    She wasn 't slow to realize what was going on .

  12. 她意识到自己的年轻和缺乏经验正受人利用。

    She realized that her youth and inexperience were being exploited .

  13. 她的小说里充斥着社会变化的意识。

    A sense of social change is pervasive in her novels .

  14. 人们意识到这只是个临时的解决方案。

    It was recognized that this solution could only be temporary .

  15. 我逐渐意识到我们的婚姻结束了。

    I gradually awakened to the realization that our marriage was over .

  16. 我们的设计往往流于传统而没有超前意识。

    We tend to be traditional rather than fashion-forward in our designs .

  17. 她意识到自己孤单一人,心里感到很不安。

    It disturbed her to realize that she was alone .

  18. 我们没有意识到这个问题的重要性。

    We did not realize the magnitude of the problem .

  19. 形势比他们最初意识到的更为复杂。

    The situation was more complicated than they had at first realized .

  20. 他们突然意识到有些人在瞧着他们。

    They suddenly became aware of people looking at them .

  21. 她意识到自己正在失掉一切正确判断的能力。

    She was aware that she was losing all sense of perspective .

  22. 许多生活在福利院里的人已经失去了个性意识。

    Many people living in institutions have lost their sense of self .

  23. 人们对危害环境的各种因素有越来越强的意识。

    People are becoming more sensitized to the dangers threatening the environment .

  24. 层次较高的学生必须意识到词语搭配的重要性。

    Advanced students need to be aware of the importance of collocation .

  25. 她意识到帕特里克只是和她逢场作戏而已。

    She realized that Patrick was merely playing with her .

  26. 我很快就意识到不能问太多的问题。

    I soon learned not to ask too many questions .

  27. 我意识到了自己的错误,觉得自己是个傻瓜。

    I felt a fool when I realized my mistake .

  28. 一种自我保护意识使她没有贸然行动。

    She was held back by some sense of self-preservation .

  29. 我认为你没有意识到形势的严重性。

    I don 't think you realise the gravity of the situation .

  30. 我没有意识到你有政治上的抱负。

    I didn 't realize you had political aspirations .