
  • 网络Italian Navy
  1. 他曾在意大利海军中当水兵。

    He had been a sailor in the Italian navy .

  2. 作为一个前意大利海军军官

    As a former commander in the Italian Navy ,

  3. 他是退役的意大利海军军官

    was a commander in the Italian Navy

  4. 布莱切利能够破译意大利海军的谜机系统,但却对他们的密码手册系统无能为力。

    Bletchley deciphered the Italians ' naval machine system ; but was increasingly powerless against their book ciphers .

  5. 周末,意大利的海军成功救援将近4000名移民,这些移民想从非洲北部到达意大利沿海。

    Almost 4000 migrants were picked up by Italian Navy over the weekend , after they tried to reach Italian coast line from North Africa .

  6. 意大利想要在海军实力上与法国平起平坐。

    Italy wanted naval parity with France .

  7. 可以翻译为“beonanequalfooting”。例句:意大利想要在海军实力上与法国平起平坐。

    Italy wanted naval1 parity2 with France .