
  • 网络The Arctic Wolf
  1. 当我跟我的因纽特主人交谈时,他的妻子把北极狼皮和北美驯鹿皮堆在冰床上。

    I was talking with my Inuit host , his wife piled Arctic wolf and caribou skins on the ice bed .

  2. 在加拿大的艾利斯摩尔岛,一只北极狼知道在这种天气下美味的鱼总躲在冰层之下。

    The freezer may look bare but an arctic wolf knows a tasty fish might be within reach in the shallows off Canada 's Ellesmere Island .

  3. 例如,如果北极狼和北极狐的的数量减少,那食物链就会遭到破坏就会脱节。

    For example , if the number of wolves and foxes decrease , the food chain is upset .

  4. 倘若这些波动的数量减少了,接下来就会减少了供应给北极狐和北极狼的食物。

    A decrease in the number of these smaller animals would in turn decrease the food supply for the arctic fox and the wolf .

  5. 这湿润的沼泽地能生出大量的昆虫,这就给小鸟提供了食物。接下来这些小鸟又充作了北极狐和北极狼的食物。

    The wet , marshy land produces a large number of insects that provide food for the smaller birds that , in turn , provide food for the arctic fox and the wolf .

  6. 倘若没有了北极狼,那些食草兽像驯鹿之类就会增加,这一增加就会导致很多小动物的死亡。

    Without wolves , the number of grazing animals - like the deer - would increase . This increase would result in a food shortage , which would cause death to many smaller animals .

  7. 由于这是一个非常普遍的模式,它可以适用于任何种群,从北极熊狼甲虫,甚至植物。

    Since this is a very general model , it can be applied to any population , from a polar bear to a wolf to a beetle , even plants .

  8. 北美洲北极地区的狼,白色皮毛,黑色尾尖。

    Wolf of arctic North America having white fur and a black-tipped tail .

  9. 根据亚洲动物基金会表示,目前没有关闭水族馆或将动物重新安置的迹象,被关的动物除了北极熊还有北极狼、白鲸、海象等。

    Animals Asia said there was no indication the aquarium would be closed or its animals , which also include arctic wolves , beluga whales and walrus calves , rehoused .

  10. 袋鼠来自澳大利亚,北极熊来自北极,狼来自欧洲。

    The kangaroo comes from Australia , the polar bear from the Aretic , and the wolf from Europe .