
  • 网络the Beijing Zoo;Peking Zoo
  1. 以随机扩增多态DNA分析,搞清楚了北京动物园饲养朱鹮种群的亲缘关系,制定出朱鹮人工种群谱系图。

    In this paper , we study the kin relationship of captive population on Crested Ibis by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis in Beijing Zoo , and establish the map of pedigree .

  2. Carin在北京动物园工作的四年中看到了那里发生的许多变化。

    During her four years working in Beijing Zoo , Carin has seen a lot of changes taking place there .

  3. 我们计划进行一次去北京动物园的学校旅行。

    We plan to have a school trip to Beijing Zoo .

  4. 你在北京动物园搭乘360路公共汽车到植物园。

    Take bus no.360 from Beijing Zoo to the Botanical Garden .

  5. 我们想去西城区的北京动物园。

    We would like to go to Beijing Zoo in Xicheng District .

  6. 我们在北京动物园里能看到骆驼。

    We can see the camel at the Beijing zoo .

  7. 对不起,这是不是去北京动物园的汽车?

    Excuse me , is this the right bus to Beijing zoo ?

  8. 1992年2月,我在北京动物园狮虎山前留影。

    I was in Beijing Zoo in Beijing in Febrary , 1992 .

  9. 并介绍北京动物园枢纽站智能系统工程。

    The paper also introduces the intelligent system for the Beijing Zoo Station .

  10. 北京动物园公交枢纽规划设计与换乘组织分析

    Design and Interchange Organization Analysis of Beijing Zoo Hub

  11. 北京动物园水体水华发生的生态学机理

    The ecological mechanism of algalbloom in bodies of water at the Beijing Zoo

  12. 利用生物制剂处理北京动物园富营养型地表水的初步研究

    Study on treatment of eutrophic water in Beijing Zoo by a biological preparation

  13. 利用水生植物改善北京动物园水环境的研究初探

    Preliminary Study on Improvement of Beijing Zoo Water Environment by Using Aquatic Macrophytes

  14. 北京动物园大熊猫繁殖记录

    Breeding notes of the Giant panda in Beijing Zoo

  15. 她想去北京动物园。

    She wants to go to the Beijing zoo .

  16. 明天我们要参观北京动物园。

    We 'll visit the Beijing Zoo tomorrow .

  17. 在儿童节那天,一个美国的年轻妇女带她的儿子去北京动物园。

    On Children 's Day a young woman from America goes to Beijing Zoo with her little son .

  18. 请收集一些关于中国太空博物馆,中国科技博物馆和北京动物园的信息。

    Please get some information about the China Space museum , the China science and technology Museum and Beijing Zoo .

  19. 对北京动物园圈养条件下的5例朱鹮标本材料做了解剖。

    We conducted the digestive tract anatomy with 5 Crested Ibis which are captive - breeding in Beijing Zoological Garden .

  20. 熊猫展是北京动物园最受欢迎的活动,目前有被展览的熊猫只有七只。

    The panda exhibition is the most popular attraction at the Beijing Zoo and currently houses seven of the animals .

  21. 这只雌性斑鳖2007年才被发现。它被发现的三年前,之前那只被认为全世界独一的雌性斑鳖,已在北京动物园死亡。

    She was discovered only in 2007 , three years after the sole other known female died at the Beijing Zoo .

  22. 我们去旅行,到北京动物园去。我们骑自行车去。我们坐火车去。

    We 're taking a trip To the Beijing Zoo . We 're going by bike . We 're going by train .

  23. 这里的游船可以带我们去北京动物园,五塔寺,紫竹院,颐和园等景点。

    The cruise takes us to the Beijing Zoo , the five-pagoda Temple , the Black Bamboo Park and the Summer Palace .

  24. 但是,四年前,看到北京动物园里关在小笼子中孤独的水獭的一幕让她十分难过。

    However , it made her sad to find a solitary otter in a small cage at Beijing Zoo four years ago .

  25. 大动物园在你能享有这种古老的令人愉快的平缓和温和的动物的性能的中国的在北京动物园。

    In Beijing Zoo the biggest zoo in China you can enjoy the performance of this ancient lovely gentle and mild animal .

  26. 来自中国地震受灾的卧龙保护区的8头熊猫之一,在北京动物园第一次为游客展示。

    One of eight pandas from China 's quake-hit Woolong Reserve is shown to visitors to Beijing Zoo for the first time .

  27. 在北京动物园的美国动物展区有几只二趾树懒,在最近这段日子里非常受欢迎。

    At Beijing Zoo , the American animal enclosure , which has several two-toed sloths , has been very popular in recent days .

  28. 今天是个风和日丽的好天,我和同学贺松去了北京动物园。

    It was a fine day today and the sun was bright . I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate , He Song .

  29. 熊猫方方在四川省宝兴县的竹林里度过六年之后于1972年到北京动物园。

    Fang Fang came to the Beijing Zoo in1972 after spending six years in the bamboo forests of Baoxing County , Sichuan Province .

  30. 最近,我们班对北京动物园是否应该搬出城进行了热烈的讨论。

    Recently , our class have had a heated discussion about whether the zoo of Beijing should be moved out of the city .