
wài hé
  • outer core
  1. 由英国利兹大学带领的一支欧洲研究团队现已把这次剧烈的移动与地球外核液态铁流动过程中发生的具体变化联系起来。地球外核是产生和维持地球磁场的“发电机”。

    A European team , led from Leeds University , has now tied this dramatic movement to specific changes in the flow of molten iron in the Earth 's outer core – the dynamo that creates and sustains its magnetic field .

  2. 同时给出了液体外核(FOC)、固体内核(SIC)和整体地球的转动惯量张量和角动量的具体表达式。

    The expressions concerning the moment of inertia and the angular momentum of the fluid outer core ( FOC ), the solid inner core ( SIC ) and the Earth as whole has been given .

  3. 结论葛根素可延缓rd小鼠视网膜外核层细胞和视网膜光感受器外段损伤。

    Conclusions Puerarin could postpone lesion occurrence of retinal outer nuclear layer cell and photoreceptor outer segment .

  4. bax免疫阳性反应从第12周起出现,第16周,节细胞层和外核层多数细胞核为阳性。

    Bax positive staining was detected on 8th week . Bax positive nucleus were observed mainly in GCL and ONL on 16th week .

  5. 电镜结果显示,rds小鼠视网膜的外核层细胞从出生后第14天凋亡细胞增加;

    By electron microscope , the apoptosis of the outer nuclear layer cells were increased from the 14th day ;

  6. 级光斑示rpe、感光细胞和外核层细胞大量溶解破坏;

    With ⅱ grade photic spot , many RPE cells , photoreceptors and cells in outer nuclear layer were lysed and destroyed ;

  7. 基于RMF理论对超重核结构和合成以及滴线外核的研究

    Structure and Synthesis for Superheavy Element Based on Relativistic Mean Field Theory and Research on Nuclide beyond Drip-line

  8. 结果:和正常SD大鼠视网膜比较,RCS大鼠从18~20d开始视网膜变性,除了外核层细胞死亡,内核层细胞也有不同程度的丢失,并表现为浓染或水肿。

    Results : Comparing with normal SD rat retinas , retinal degeneration , including outer and inner nuclear layers , was observed in RCS rat retina after postnatal 18-20 day .

  9. 细胞凋亡6h在神经节细胞和内、外核层有少量表达,12~24h染色阳性的细胞明显增多。

    The apoptosis had lower expression in ganglion ceils and the inner and outer nuclear layer 6 hours latter , and obvious increasing of dye positive eeUs was observed between 12 and 24 hours .

  10. 视网膜组织结构完整,RGC排列整齐,内丛状层染色较均匀,内核层和外核层细胞排列较整齐,视锥视杆排列整齐。

    Retinal tissue structural integrity , RGC neatly arranged , in the plexiform layer were more evenly ; core and outer layer of cells with a neat ; cone rod arranged neatly . 3 .

  11. 以氟里昂(R11)为工质,对交流电场作用下的光滑管外核沸腾换热进行了较为系统的基础性实验研究。

    Basic experimental studies have been made for the enhancements of nucleate pool boiling heat transfer outside the smooth tube under alternate electric field by using R11 as the working fluid .

  12. 本文通过介绍决策支持系统的概念及其发展概况,以及国内外核事故应急决策支持系统,特别是RODOS的发展现状,讨论核事故应急决策支持系统今后发展可能存在的问题以及发展方向。

    In this paper , development of decision support system of nuclear accident and existing problems are discussed through introducing the concept and development of DSS and decision support system of nuclear accident all over the world , especially the development of RODOS .

  13. 外核层细胞核染色质固缩,分布不均匀,向中央聚集。

    The nuclear chromatin in the outer nuclear layer migrated toward the center with an uneven distribution .

  14. 外核液态铁粘滞度的分子动力学研究

    Molecular dynamics study of bulk and shear viscosity of liquid iron in the earth 's outer core : a critical review

  15. 堆外核测量系统实时仿真是核电厂全范围培训模拟器的重要组成部分。

    Real-time simulation of ex-core nuclear instrumentation system is an indispensable part of nuclear power plant ( NPP ) full-scope training simulator .

  16. 在事故应急响应和准备中,注意吸取国内外核和辐射事故应急的经验与教训是必要的。

    In the course of accident emergency response and preparedness , it is highly necessary to draw domestic and foreign experiences and lessons .

  17. 光照后1天,外核层开始变薄,其厚度减少1188%。

    On the 1st day after light-exposure , the outer nuclear layer became thinner by 11 88 % , nuclear chromatin began to shrink .

  18. 视网膜细胞凋亡于光照后持续存在,主要分布于外核层及视网膜色素上皮层。

    Light exposure also induced apoptosis in retinal cells . Cells death mainly occurred in the ONL and retinal pigment epithelium ( RPE ) layer .

  19. 另取1个眼球经体积分数2.5%戊二醛溶液固定,电镜观察外核层细胞及其盘膜。

    Another eyeball was fixed with 2.5 % ( volume fraction ) glutaral solution . Photoreceptor cells and disc membrane were observed by electron microscope .

  20. 研究外核液态铁的剪切粘滞度对认识地球磁场的运转机制具有非常重要的意义。

    Consequently , knowledge on the shear viscosity of liquid iron will help us to understand the working mechanism of the the Earth 's magnetic field .

  21. 反应堆仪表和控制系统(I&C)的数字化发展方向成为趋势,反应堆堆外核测量系统的数字化势在必行。

    For the digitization development direction of reactor instrument and control system become a tendency , the digital nuclear measurement of exterior reactor is imperative under the situation .

  22. 光照后3天,视网膜内节线粒体肿胀,空泡性变,外核层核染色质向中心聚集,呈岛状。

    On the 3rd day , in the inner segments , mitochondrial swelling and vesiculation , the cell nuclear chromatin gathered toward the center with the island shape .

  23. 在考察了地球外核的主要成分和所处的温压状态后,简要介绍了研究外核的一种有效的理论方法&分子动力学。

    After a brief examination of the composition , temperature and pressure state of the outer core , this article presents one of the efficient theoretical method & the molecular dynamics for study of the outer core .

  24. 地球主要由龟裂的地壳、软流层的地幔、液体的外核、固体的内核等四部分组成,这样一来地球就不是一个凝固体。

    The Earth 's crust mainly by cracking , soft flow of the mantle layer , the liquid outer core , the core solid four components , one to the earth this is not a solidified body .

  25. 根据反应堆物理计算或功率刻度实验确定拟合系数,可以实时准确仿真堆外核测量系统,满足核电厂全范围培训模拟器的要求。

    The fitting parameter is adjusted according to the reactor physical calculation or the experiment of power calibration . The simulation result shows that the method can simulate the ex-core neutron instrumentation system accurately in real-time and meets the needs of NPP full-scope training simulator .

  26. 与青年猫比较,老年猫视网膜总厚度以及外核层、外网状层、内核层和内网状层厚度均显著减小;神经节细胞层的细胞密度显著下降;

    Compared with young cats , the retinae in old cats presented a significant decrease in the thickness of total retina , outer nuclear layer , outer plexiform layer , inner nuclear layer , inner plexiform layer as well as an evidently lower density of ganglion cells .

  27. 介绍了目前国内外反演核事故源项所使用的各种方法及其理论背景,其中着重介绍了国际当前流行的Kalman滤波方法及对这些方法的有关研究成果和应用;

    In this paper , the inversion methods applied to obtain the source characteristics are introduced , especially the Kalman filter method , together with related achievements and applications .

  28. 在臂旁外侧核外亚核内,Fos阳性神经元与NADPH-d阳性纤维终末相互混杂分布。

    The Fos positive neurons were intermingled with the NADPH-d positive fiber terminals in the external lateral subnuclear .

  29. 机械加工表面多孔管外池核沸腾实验研究

    Experimental study on nucleate pool boiling heat transfer for mechanically fabricated porous surface tube

  30. 国内外低能核理论的发展历史、现状和走势

    History , Current Situation and Future Tendency of Domestic and International Low Energy Nuclear Theory Research