
wài kē yī shēnɡ
  • surgeon;sawbones
  1. 做外科医生眼要准,手要稳。

    A surgeon needs a good eye and a steady hand .

  2. 外科医生施行了静脉切开手术。

    The surgeon performed a section on the vein .

  3. 外科医生成功地给一个四岁的男孩移植了肝脏。

    Surgeons have successfully transplanted a liver into a four-year-old boy .

  4. 外科医生把断指接上了。

    Surgeons were able to sew the finger back on .

  5. 他号称是这个国家最好的心脏外科医生。

    He is reputed to be the best heart surgeon in the country .

  6. 我们必须像外科医生拿手术刀时一样冷静客观,不受任何感情影响。

    We must be as impersonal as a surgeon with his knife

  7. 整形外科医生可以除去最表层的皮肤。

    A plastic surgeon can remove the top layer of skin .

  8. 只有你的家庭医生才能把你介绍给外科医生。

    Only your family doctor can refer you to a surgeon .

  9. 他知道他必定会死在外科医生刀下。

    He knew that under the surgeon 's knife he would surely die

  10. 威尔特郡奥德斯多克医院的外科医生将大拇指缝合上了。

    Surgeons at Odstock Hospital , Wilts , sewed the thumb on .

  11. 令外科医生惊讶的是,他竟活下来了。

    He survived , to the amazement of surgeons .

  12. 为国王动手术的外科医生通报了其伤势的最新详情。

    The surgeon who operated on the King released new details of his injuries

  13. 那项研究调查了18名外科医生的工作表现。

    That study looked at the performance of 18 surgeons

  14. 外科医生有信心保住萨拉左眼的视力。

    Surgeons were hopeful of saving the sight in Sara 's left eye .

  15. 外科医生们在做手术前开始用肥皂和水清洗双手和胳膊。

    Surgeons began to scrub their hands and arms with soap and water before operating

  16. 他子承父业,成为了一名外科医生。

    He followed his father and became a surgeon

  17. 外科医生不敢看凯莉的脸。

    The surgeon didn 't have the stomach to look at Kelly 's face .

  18. 两周后,外科医生实施了手术以复原他的面部。

    Two weeks later , surgeons carried out the operation to rebuild his face .

  19. 他深表歉意,说外科医生会努力消除手术造成的损伤。

    He expressed great regret and said that surgeons would attempt to reverse the operation

  20. 凯莉的手术就要开始时被她的外科医生给叫停了。

    Kelly was about to go under the knife when her surgeon stopped everything .

  21. 两位美国外科医生上周获得了诺贝尔医学和生理学奖。

    Two American surgeons were last week honoured with the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology

  22. 外科医生会拿起他的工具,探查、修复然后再重新缝合。

    The surgeon would pick up his instruments , probe , repair and stitch up again

  23. 他在船上为水手们兼作外科医生和牧师。

    He acted both as the ship 's surgeon and as chaplain for the men .

  24. 外科医生在膝盖骨上套了个金属箍以帮助其愈合。

    Surgeons placed a metal band around the knee cap to help it knit back together .

  25. 外科医生在脑根部的静脉和动脉中放置了导管。

    The surgeon placed catheters through the veins and arteries near the base of the head .

  26. 马尔科姆是一位才华横溢却又生活失意的外科医生,他妻子有些神经质而且性冷淡。

    Malcolm is a brilliant but frustrated surgeon who is married to a neurotic and sexless woman .

  27. 如果父母们想给孩子看最好的外科医生,他们会前往博洛尼亚的医学院。

    If parents wanted to entrust their child to the best surgeons , they traveled to Bologna 's medical school

  28. 外科医生给她做手术以切除肿瘤。

    The surgeon operated on her to remove the tumour .

  29. 这里最需要医务人员,特别是外科医生。

    We 're in bad need of medical workers , especially surgeons .

  30. 作为外科医生,菲利普才华出众。

    As a surgeon , Philip was exceptionally gifted .