
  • 网络Arctic Archipelago;Arctic Islands
  1. 事实上,加拿大北极群岛就像是诱发船难的“draintrap”,豪威尔如是说。

    In fact , the Canadian Arctic archipelago acts as a " drain trap " for ship-wrecking multiyear ice , Howell says .

  2. 在加拿大北极群岛岛屿的领土,包括银行岛,伯顿岛,帕特里克王子岛和维多利亚岛和梅尔维尔岛部分。

    Territorial islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago include Banks Island , Borden Island , Prince Patrick Island , and parts of Victoria Island and Melville Island .

  3. 努纳伏特地区建立于1999年,旨在奠基起一块因纽特人的土地,它环绕着加拿大大部分的北极群岛;

    Mr Okalik has led Nunavut since the territory , encompassing most of Canada 's Arctic archipelago , was created in1999 to settle a land claim by the Inuit ( once known as Eskimos ) .

  4. 北极Svalbard群岛雪坑及河流主要离子特征

    Characteristics of major ions in snow and river water in Svalbard

  5. 北极Svalbard群岛Longyearbyen地区雪坑主要阴、阳离子特征研究

    Characteristics of major ion concentrations in Snowpits in longyearbyen , Svalbard , Arctic

  6. 在挪威最北端北极圈Svalbard群岛,人们发现了一只北极熊的尸体,研究人员认为它的死因是气候变化所造成的。

    A polar bear carcass found on the Arctic island of Svalbard , the northernmost part of Norway , has shocked experts who say climate change may be to blame for the animal 's death .

  7. 一块浮冰边缘的北极之王,挪威北极的斯瓦尔巴特群岛

    The king of the Arctic at the edge of an ice floe , Svalbard , Norwegian Arctic

  8. 北极西北航道指的是西起美国阿拉斯加北部的波弗特海,向东经过加拿大北极群岛水域到达东部的戴维斯海峡和巴芬湾,最终连接太平洋和大西洋的航道。

    The Arctic Northwest Passage stretches from Beaufort sea at the north of Alaska in America in the west to the Davis Strait and Baffin Bay in the east across the Canadian Arctic archipelago waters and it finally connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans .